Is Africa the Next Middle East? – IOTW Report

Is Africa the Next Middle East?



While President Trump prepares to increase the U.S. military presence in Afghanistan and escalate the war against ISIS in the Middle East, the leader of the free world may have to look to a new theater in the 16-year-old War on Terror.

While America is still grappling with the deaths of four U.S. soldiers in Niger, a bomb attack killed at least three U.N. peacekeepers on Thursday in Mali. MORE


17 Comments on Is Africa the Next Middle East?

  1. What are we doing in Africa? Gee, could it be obama treated foreign policy like a game of Risk, set the board, lit a match and walked away?

    I tuned out from watching the Psaki/Barf mime team. The inquisitive foreign press accepted obama/Hillary/Kerry’s march around the world implementing “all things equality/diversity” as foreign policy resulting in world peace.

    Trump: he’s going to blow the Nork’s off the map, in bed with the Sauds & turned against our terrorist harboring ally Qatar, infringing on China’s superior trade/hacking policies, NAFTA negotiations are hurting Mexico/Canada’s feelings, and yesterday’s outrage we’re pulling $$ from UN to support persecuted Christians. Oh the horror, we’re doomed.

    But hey, Russia, Russia, Russia collusion is tabled for now.

  2. I think President Trump has been transparent about foreign policy regarding radical Islam. As long as Islamists have an H.Q. of operations, no matter where in the world they exist, he has vowed to eradicate them. Their operations have to be disrupted and taken out or there will be no end to their war on the West. At least that’s my take on things. I wouldn’t be surprised if our military, or at least the CIA, aren’t looking at places like South and Central America; places few Americans realize are also being colonized by Islam. Something else Trump has made clear: he’s not going to given them a heads up as to his next move.

    I think the best case for the West is imagining what sub-Saharan Africa and India would have looked like if the British and other imperialistic countries had remained.

    Lowell: You frequently bring up U.S. troops guarding Afghani poppy fields. The only mainstream(?) info I can find is from Alex Jones, and the most recent info is back in 2010-2012. I’m interested in knowing more about this, could you provide some more recent info (links)?

  3. apparently the USA will have an empire that surpasses all those in recorded history no matter what the citizens think about it.

    where don’t we have military bases would be a shorter list.

  4. Yes but must include the Congo.
    The Congo holds the largest reserve of Cobalt on planet.
    Lib-turds must have Cobalt.
    Required for the batteries of electric cars.
    No cobalt batteries. No electric cars.

  5. bill — Do you think taking a pacifist stance on islam is going to stop them from infiltrating, converting/training U.S. citizens, etc, and continuing to wage jihad on American soil? I don’t. Fighting a real war on real combatants is not empire building, in my opinion. What would there be, then, to stop these groups from overtaking Mexico or Canada? I wouldn’t want to be living right next door to ISIS. And, besides, POTUS Trump and SoS Tillerson have been emphatic about not being in the business of nation building. There’s no secret handshakes going on. Listen to the WH and State Department briefings. I learn a lot from them.

  6. Compared to previous efforts to eliminate terrorism, this is good. Once the terrorists are useless in the ME, get the rest of them out of Africa. Otherwise, they’ll just re-group and expand, like the last time. Keep up the pressure, don’t stop until they’re asses are dead.

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