Is America losing Her language? – IOTW Report

Is America losing Her language?

Liberty Nation: Judging by states like New Mexico and California – the two with the largest Spanish-speaking populations in the Union – it is almost a foregone conclusion that the English language is suffering a slow death.

Spanish is all around us. It has somehow become a ‘natural’ part of our lives. Depending on where you live, you can’t go outside for more than a few minutes without hearing someone speaking the language. Elementary schools have classes with more Spanish-speaking children than those who speak English. Employment is getting more difficult because many employers require their employees to be bilingual to be able to serve their Spanish customers. And the laws of the land only encourage the language takeover rather than protecting our national language.

In May, the grocery chain store Albertsons in San Diego, CA had a lawsuit filed against them that claimed they were harassing Hispanic employees for speaking Spanish. According to KDVR, the employees were told they couldn’t speak Spanish around non-Spanish speaking employees. The store, of course, denies the claim, but this is a good example of just how fed up people are getting with the growing use of a ‘foreign’ language.  more here

13 Comments on Is America losing Her language?

  1. We got to do away with the public charter schools as many of them are foreign language “immersion” schools, like for Spanish and Arabic. I know they seemed like a good idea, but the end result is basically madrassas and such, like the Gulen schools in Dearborn as well as all across the land. And you can’t just easily locate them–they hide under corporate veil names like Concept Schools, Multicultural School, etc. The topic is worthy of study.

  2. We’re not “losing” it; we’re throwing it away – we’re flushing it down the shitter – we’re shoving it into the garbage disposal.

    Let’s not euphemise it.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. “Depending on where you live, you can’t go outside for more than a few minutes without hearing someone speaking the language.”

    That’s why I make a point of when I hear No Hablos, I automatically switch into German. Sometimes the reactions are hilarious.

  4. The weird thing is that most of the Spanish speakers flooding our culture can neither read nor write the language. I’m having to rethink my opposition to teaching illegals to read and write in Spanish. It may be the humane thing to do. They’ll certainly have a leg up on their fellow citizens when they get deported home.

    OTOH, What dee said.

  5. Ever notice the loudest people in the room are those that don’t speak the language? I typically turn to my wife and exclaim, “What?!!?” just loud enough so I’m temporarily the loudest one.
    she: “I didn’t say anything”
    me: “Sorry, thought I heard you say something”

    and we carry on.

  6. ” We got to do away with the public charter schools as many of them are foreign language “immersion” schools, like for Spanish and Arabic. I know they seemed like a good idea, but the end result is basically madrassas and such, like the Gulen schools in Dearborn as well as all across the land. And you can’t just easily locate them–they hide under corporate veil names like Concept Schools, Multicultural School, etc. The topic is worthy of study. ”

    Nice try public school lackey Dee! You’re not going to shove my kids into another hell-hole public school. We have achieved so much but now you want to take it away from us! Screw you and your teachers union.

  7. I try to speak Spanish with the thickest southern drawl I can manage. I mangle the hell out of it on purpose. The looks on people’s faces is priceless. If I’m going to speak Spanish, it’s going to be an Americanized version.

  8. The Amazon delivery guy who showed up with my order yesterday didn’t speak any English, only Spanish. He had several packages in his little car and he couldn’t tell which one was supposed to be mine. Apparently he doesn’t do numbers in English either (/s). I thought I was going to have to go out to his car and root out my own box. Finally, standing by his opened trunk, he held up the coffee maker I had ordered and I gave a thumbs-up and he brought it to me.

    I’m in Indiana. There’s nowhere to run to, baby. Nowhere to hide.

  9. English is being destroyed from within, too. Jive, Ebonics and hip hop have infiltrated, and phony-baloney terms from gender warriors and social “justice” advocates are creeping in as well.
    I can speak enough Spanglish to get me in trouble in TJ.
    I wish I’d never heard words like ayatollah, burqua, halal and sharia.
    (I’m OK with durka durka.)

    Palestine, my ass.


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