Is Biden’s Pentagon Spying on Social Media Posts of Troops? – IOTW Report

Is Biden’s Pentagon Spying on Social Media Posts of Troops?

Of course they are

Watch on Rumble 

 READ MORE: Judicial Watch announced today that it filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the Department of Defense for all records aboutwhether it was monitoring orplanning to monitor the social media accounts of military members (Judicial Watch v U.S.Department of Defense (No. 1:21–cv-02146)).

15 Comments on Is Biden’s Pentagon Spying on Social Media Posts of Troops?

  1. I like Judicial Watch AND Tom Fitton, BUT, as soon as you contribute to them you get cash solicitations at least three times a week!!! No shit!

  2. @Hambone: “Is this a trick question?”

    no, but they’ll give a trick answer.
    Maybe one of them will say ‘not wittingly’ They haven’t used that one for a while. Another will say something different.
    But they will say no- because they aren’t, really. They have the social media do it for them. It is illegal for the government to spy on its citizens, but apparently the socials can do it with impunity. And then they ‘give’ that information to the governnet.
    That’s not a typo- that is what it is turning into- a governet.
    governet- and its a big one

  3. Unslung Hero AUGUST 29, 2021 AT 5:29 AM

    I like Judicial Watch AND Tom Fitton, BUT, as soon as you contribute to them you get cash solicitations at least three times a week!!! No shit!


    So donate in someone else’s name.

    I’m thinking of signing up my most lefty friend with the NRA.

  4. And Biden’s pentagon will run out the clock on the FOIA request, Tom will go to court, the court will issue an order, pentagon will run out the clock, and at the last minute will provide a fraction of what Tom requested, Tom will go back to court, etc., etc., etc. until long afterJoe is gone (one way or another). I’ve seen this movie before.

  5. @ Dadof4 AUGUST 29, 2021 AT 9:18 AM

    I am an Endowment NRA member and bought all of my kids Life memberships when they were born. That being said, I wouldn’t give the NRA-ILA so much as a plugged nickel. I donate directly and exclusively to their education and competition programs and they never call anyone asking. Period. Full stop.

    When LaPierre’s paid canvassers call, I wait until they introduce themselves and then respond with: I’m not wearing any panties. If they don’t hang up immediately they say: What? And I repeat and that is the end of the call.

    Join and support the NRA educational and competition programs, they are as pure as driven snow, but never give to the NRA-ILA, give Second Amendment donations to Gun Owners of America (GOA), or the Second Amendment Foundation.

  6. Haven’t heard any response to the pig ignorant lesbian eager to kill American citizens. Can I presume that’s official Biden/Pentagon policy and plan accordingly?

  7. @ JDHasty AUGUST 29, 2021 AT 10:31 AM

    The exercise is more about putting them on a list, but I’ll take your advice to heart.

    Giving in someone else’s name is a very giving thing. 🙂

    If a lefty gets reamed by other lefties for it, well so sad too bad. They shouldn’t be that way.

    Call it friendly fire.

    Close cousin of wedging a baggie of weed into a visible spot on the back end of an a-hole’s vehicle before he goes through a checkpoint gate at a military base.


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