Is Cosmopolitan trying to kill fat people? – IOTW Report

Is Cosmopolitan trying to kill fat people?

Cosmopolitan now promotes obesity as ‘healthy’.

American Thinker: After decades of promoting stick-thin, big-cleavage women as sexy, Cosmopolitan women’s magazine has a new schtick: Promoting obese women as healthy.

No kidding, they ran this cover in the U.K.:

26 Comments on Is Cosmopolitan trying to kill fat people?

  1. Tess Holiday (Bing image her, if you got the guts) is another favorite amongst “morbidly obese is really healthy, got a problem with that?” crowd.

    Wokeness, an iteration of progressivism, infects everything not sporting the armor of reason.

    The funny thing is that all these women will tell you they are happy being fat, liars. Self indulgence is so easy and so accepted with this crowd.

  2. You have to remain locked down unless you absolutely need to go out, and you need to wear a mask if you do go out. That is for health reasons.

    But being the size of an elephant is healthy.

    But if you keel over with a coronary while being the size of the Goodyear Blimp’s larger sister, they will just find that you tested positive for COVID and tell us how your heart was weakened by it so you really were just another victim of the China Flu.

  3. Why is it when I go shopping for a new pair of blue jeans the only thing I can find is “flex” jeans that have spandex into them so they stretch to fit the fat fuckers? And the waist size that I’ve been wearing for the past 35 years is about 4 inches too large, I’m swimming in them. WTF, they are trying to hide the fact you’re too fat in the goddamn clothes you buy now.

  4. Suits used to be +1, +2, you know, when when they were made by American Tailors. Motherfuckers who knew how to make off-the-shelf shit.

    Your waist is 30, and your waist is above your hip bones… that’s +2 because we wear braces.

    Your chest is 38 fully full of air. So 38 is 40, actual. Your waistcoat is 39.

    I’m probably confusing people. If your chest is 38 your waistcoat is 39, and your suit coat is 40. Actual measurement.

    Your overcoat, size 38 would actually measure 42.

    All of this has been lost to time.

    This is why none of your shit fits anymore.

  5. I recently lost a ton of weight. A life long weight lifter. When your young you eat anything to gain weight/muscle. Hard to slam the brakes on that. Less then a year ago I was 280 pounds. Mostly muscle. I was benching and squaring the building. The big fish in the little pond. At that point I knew I wasn’t healthy. Super high BP. Not fun walking down stairs, it at the same time squaring the building. I jumped right back in the gym as soon as I could. I’m currently pounding the gym but weight 210. At 64 I can jump up on the tailgate of my 6 inch lifted Duramax. Yea I’ll take that. Am I happy at 210. No. Maybe 225. But I feel so much energetic lighter.

  6. Cosmo has always been out to destroy women. They featured anorexic and bulimic women for years. They published articles in every issue telling women how great it was to be a slut.
    They told women they needed more makeup and surgery because they weren’t pretty enough. Etc.

  7. Talked to a lady nutritionist the other day on the phone and was told I was “obese”. I’m 5′-9″ tall (was 5′-11″ when I was younger) weigh around 200 lbs and have a 35″ waist. I’ve done physical labor most of my life and still do at 73.
    God bless that gal on the cover but if I’m obese, she’s morbidly obese. I can’t imagine carrying around all of that weight if it’s not muscle.
    I’m going to see the nutritionist in a few weeks and she better be one svelte gal or my mouth may say what my brain is actually thinking.

  8. Cosmopolitan is just playing mind games with woman like me who are afraid of gaining any more than they already have- “hey, look this is you in another 65 pounds! Can’t hide the weight forever!” 😵

  9. “Obesity is a complex disease involving an excessive amount of body fat. Obesity isn’t just a cosmetic concern. It is a medical problem that increases your risk of other diseases and health problems, such as heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure and certain cancers.”
    (Mayo Clinic)

    izlamo delenda est …

  10. The nurse who told me I was obese had thighs larger than both of mine, combined.
    And her ass (here in the Ozarks) was probably a named mountain.

    She was about 35 and I’m 67 – I told her I had more pressing medical problems – COPD, High BP, High Cholesterol, and Terminal Imbecility – to name four.

    She didn’t laugh.

    izlamo delenda est …


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