Is Detroit paying any attention to itself? – IOTW Report

Is Detroit paying any attention to itself?

LeDuff: Dan Gilbert’s Hudson’s Project — An Architectural Marvel Or Stairs To Nowhere?

Deadline Detroit:
If you believed the local forecasters who make their bread parroting what the downtown business interests tell them, you’re now standing with your pants around your ankles staring up at a flight of stairs to nowhere.

Take Dan Gilbert’s Rocket Companies stock (RKT) that had its initial public offering last August on the New York Stock Exchange.

Those forecasters assured us that Gilbert’s cashing-in on his privately owned, Detroit-based companies should not be seen as an ominous cloud on the horizon.

No…no…they wrote, Downtown Dan wasn’t cashing-out while the getting was good and interest rates were at historic lows.

Apparantely, “someone” had whispered in their ears that Gilbert was actually planning to plow those freshly minted billions into those mammoth half-built development projects he’s started downtown. (I wonder if Gilbert and his brain trust paid Detroit city income taxes on their IPO windfall?)

We were encouraged by these forecasters to get in on the gold rush and buy the RKT stock that pays “irregular dividends.”

We were told – in the middle of the pandemic no less – that Detroit was actually going to boom again.more here

15 Comments on Is Detroit paying any attention to itself?

  1. What makes ANYONE think that Democrat-run Detroit will do anything but fail miserably? If the criminal leftists are ever run out of Detroit, you MIGHT see some progress as they bulldoze all the eyesores and turn the land into parks.

    Well, maybe not parks. Unless the new ‘leaders’ of Detroit take care of the criminal aspect of the city (more than just the politicians) and get rid of the homeless problem, they shouldn’t turn the land into parks. They should turn it all into farmland. Or raise deadly vipers. Yeah, deadly vipers; that’s the ticket!

  2. What city is economically booming at this point?
    The story of Democrat run cities is getting predictable and redundant.
    San Francisco
    Los Angeles
    St. Louis
    Washington DC
    Hell, even relatively small Richmond Virginia

    Leftist run BLM tribal cities have destroyed every metro area.

    Are the leaders all incompetent or is this intentional destruction? I don’t think they’re all fuck ups. It’s actually a war. If your city looks like a third world shithole and you have to drive 20 miles to a real grocery store…chances are you did this to yourselves. Don’t bother me with your tales of whoa.

  3. I know I know. I left out lots of shitty cities.
    I don’t have all day.


    And on and on.

    Feel free to dedicate the next song to the town you hate.

  4. @claudia et al…..Damn……you’re so right……

    The charm of today’s Europe with all those huge parks in the middle of huge cities….with bike trails and walking paths…it was only possible after WWII….all those bombs gutted out the cities and made that possible…..upon the rebuild….

    But some people will have to shape up or go.

  5. GA Native-

    CNN just posted a list of cities and they misspelled 2 of them.

    Remember when they ran a segment talking about some country in Asia and they showed South America on screen? And the hostess chick was pointing at it as she was speaking. 😂

  6. I reflect back on the multiple revitalization efforts concocted by leftists over the years by people who would bring new prosperity to the suffering inner city of Richmond.

    The old kanawha canal along the James River, the Sixth Street Marketplace, etc. grandiose plans to bring investors and diners and shoppers back to the city.

    Epic failures once the indigenous population came in with their usual theft and indiscriminate violence and murder.

    Rinse. Repeat. Leave me out of it.

    Now Governor Blackface declares GAMBLING and pot are legal. This should turn out well.

    Government has become the mafia. They want a piece of the action. They already own the liquor stores, will control gambling and legalized drugs, and their tax system is the shakedown operation. I predict that prostitution is next.

  7. Trump was trying to get more steel, cars, energy, and manufacturing in places like Detroit but Xiden is back to farming out manufacturing to chYnAh.

    With more real jobs, comes the need for more office space, retail etc. Now Detroit can continue its back slide. Too bad


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