Is Donald Trump the Sanjaya of this race? – IOTW Report

Is Donald Trump the Sanjaya of this race?

Pundits say Carly Fiorina won the debate. Polls/Voters say Trump won.


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19 Comments on Is Donald Trump the Sanjaya of this race?

  1. I don’t know about being the Sanjaya, but if the RNC thinks the silenced majority is going to be derailed by a gender-conscious, political chameleon like Fiorina, they need to get some new consultants. I’m not eating her dog chow.

  2. I found Trump was correct when he said “look at that face” meant he was talking about her persona.

    In small does Carly is impressive. Over time I find her pursed lips, “who farted” scolding lecturing look and tone as she repeats well rehearsed sound bites I’ve heard repeatedly in interviews and stump speeches is grating.

    “My dear friend Bibi Netanyahu”, “activity not accomplishment” “strengthen the sixth fleet” all followed EXACTLY the same each time.

    She reminds me of the same type of politician the media ate up i 2008 and has been lecturing us while creating a disaster world wide ever since.

  3. Trump may be the Sanjaya of this “second debate,” but I highly dount the pundits can keep him down. It will take the massive machine combined of GOPe, Chamber of Commerce and SuperPACS to try to strip away votes from Trump.

    It is certainly 4-1/2 months until the Primaries begin (i.e. there’s alot that can happen ’til then), but I suspect they will not be successful. If Trump fails, it would be because he himself ruined his own chances.

  4. The Carly you watched on stage last night is Carly the CEO. That is her management style. That was the big bitch with he a HP. She’s polarizing, too damn sure of her decision making ability, (case in point Compaq purchase). Certainly not a team builder. Hmm, wonder how that’s going to play out with congress. Kinda sounds like whats going on now.

  5. I don’t know, Czar. The mood of a lot of Americans — proven by poll after poll of their opinion of gov’t — I think Trump might win in spite of himself. “That’s it! You paid for your own campaign and you’re building a wall and anchor babies are history! You’re going to be president if you feel like it or not!”

  6. Carly is an establishment Rino who has been tight with McCain.
    Her campaign here in California showed serious flaws.
    She has been well coached since that campaign and appears to
    be more knowledgeable but, she is bent on the woe is women
    issue and as I woman I find it tiresome.
    Carly’s whining about women having a harder time makes her a Democrat in my eyes.
    Also, Carly has said “Islam is the greatest civilization in the
    You can read her comments and the comment to her lack
    of knowledge on the topic at Freedom Outpost.
    No, Trump is no Sanjaya.

  7. Yes, Fiorina has her short comings, but the question is, who won the debate last night? She did. She was clearly the most outspoken and poignant of all the candidates. The Trumpeteers will tell you that, despite his weak performance, Trump won – mostly because of his position on illegal immigration. Perhaps they’re smoking some of Jebs! dopey weed but that alone is not going to cut it in 2016. They’ll stand by him, regardless of how poorly he performed. It’s ridiculous – almost like giving Obozo a free pass simply because of the color of his skin. Listen, I was disappointed with Trump last night. The truth of the matter is that he needs to step up his game by providing greater details, knowledge and facts on various topics, and doing it more clearly. You’re doing Trump and the Republican party a disservice by carrying his water for him. Now’s the time to properly critique and vet him, not provide him with cover. He needs to hone in, tighten up and sharpen his debate skills, otherwise he’s going to get outflanked by the establishment, democrats and the Candy Crawley’s of the election process. I hope he learned something from the other candidates last night. There were a lot of great responses.

  8. You’re right! I’m trying to think of what he could do that would piss everyone off and I can’t think of anything outrageous enough. Unless he got caught funding Bush, I guess.

  9. You go ahead and properly vet him for us. And you’re right. If it weren’t for him, we absolutely would have Bush for the nominee. So unless Cruz surpasses him in popularity among the silenced majority, I’ll carry all the water I can for him. He described himself as a closer and he is. I want him to close down the left in this country in all it’s permutations.

    Saying that Fiorina has shortcomings is, IMO, an enormous understatement. I honestly do not care how well she appears to speak. We need a creative, can-do, will-do leader in the WH and she’s already proved she’s not it. She’d make a good policy wonk, though.

  10. I was sorta shocked how quickly she jumped onto the Identity Politics bandwagon last night.

    Q: Did the Donald hurt your widdle feelings when he said that about your face?

    A: I think EVERY woman in America heard that! And we think he’s nuthin’ but a mean old man, right, sisters? !

    The smarter political play would have been to thank The Donald for the several hundred metric tons of free ink and free notice she got because of it. It actually boosted her from near anonymity.

    But it’s not really surprising that she went all Identity Politics Warrior, though. She’s a RINO. She’s really just a shyster, like McCain and Romney. She’ll do or say anything to stay in the game, including tamping down her still wild enthusiasm for carbon offset schemes. And her secret passion to be Miss November for the GOPe.

    But I don’t think Conservatives, and especially Conservative women, will buy into someone who can be laid out with one dumb comment. And the glass ceiling/double standard/women have it harder act won’t cut it for Team Conservative, either.

    Shit, we’ve got Hillary Clinton if we wanted THAT crap!

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