Is Durham Circling Jake Sullivan? The Special Counsel May Not Be Done With National Security Adviser – IOTW Report

Is Durham Circling Jake Sullivan? The Special Counsel May Not Be Done With National Security Adviser

Jonathan Turley-

Last month Washington was rocked by the indictment of Michael Sussman, former counsel for Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign and the Democratic National Committee, for his alleged role in spreading a false Russia conspiracy theory. Special counsel John Durham — who is variously described as either painfully methodical or positively glacial as a prosecutor — reportedly was prompted to indict Sussman by an expiring statute of limitations.

Absent such a deadline involving Sussman, it seems unlikely that Durham would have disclosed as much as he did in the indictment. The reason is that he is likely focusing on other possible targets and witnesses. That could include the most notable figure exposed in the Sussman indictment: Jake Sullivan.

In that event, Sullivan potentially could be in the unenviable position of having to argue that he was not perjurious, just clueless, in denying knowledge of key facts to Congress. The “ignorance is bliss” defense is a favorite fallback in Washington scandals but it is less common when that person is the current national security adviser to the President of the United States.

While an indictment of Sullivan is viewed as unlikely, he popped up unexpectedly in the indictment and the National Security Advisor may not be done with Special Counsel. If Durham is focusing on who knew or approved of the Alfa Bank conspiracy claim in the Clinton campaign, one of the highest figures referenced in the indictment (and just below Hillary Clinton)  is Sullivan. read more

9 Comments on Is Durham Circling Jake Sullivan? The Special Counsel May Not Be Done With National Security Adviser

  1. We will find out if Durham is a man or a mouse. My thinking is Merrick Garland will shut him down if he starts getting close to anything. Then we will see who Durham is.

  2. I’ll believe it when this seditious bastard is arrested at two o’clock in the morning by an FBI swat team, and CNN admits that the entire Russian Collusion narrative was a fraudulent Clinton-Obama drama to overthrow the government. That’ll be the day.


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