Is everything kosher about the $126 million that poured in for Kamala? – IOTW Report

Is everything kosher about the $126 million that poured in for Kamala?

By Andrea Widburg

Kamala, we were told, raised more money in a few hours than any other candidate in history. Sometimes, though, when things sound too good to be true, they’re probably not true at all. Many people are raising questions about whether Kamala received $81 million in donations from 888,000 grassroots donors in just 24 hours and another $44 million in the next 48 hours or whether the announcement of Joe’s withdrawal and Kamala’s likely role as the Democrat presidential candidate created a useful opportunity for massive money laundering, including money from foreigners gaming the American election.

ActBlue, the clearing house for all donations to Democrat parties and causes, has long had fundraising practices that, coincidentally or not, make money laundering easier. It allows donations from unverified credit cards, untethered to the cardholder’s name and address. This means that there’s no way at all to know who these donors are, paving the way for fraud. Thus, Joe Shmo in Abilene can knowingly donate using a card that actually belongs to Klaus Schwab! Or, Klaus Schwab could donate using the unwitting Joe Shmo’s name.

Another way to know who donors are is through their employment status, which is information all donors are required to submit. This prevents “employers” from hiring “staff” whose sole purpose is funneling employer money to a politician or cause. If an unreasonable number of people with the same employer appear in the rolls, the FEC can see a problem. more

13 Comments on Is everything kosher about the $126 million that poured in for Kamala?

  1. Is everything kosher?

    Is everything KOSHER?!!

    Of course it is. The political marketeers and media companies are set to make a bundle of phony money… because who cares if it’s legit or where it came from!!

  2. Right out of the 0bama playbook, his campaign turned off all the credit card checks and was receiving donations from foreigners. Not even a whiff of a scandal.

  3. I think all that dough was transferred illegally from Biden’s campaign funds. Trump’s lawyers have filed suit to stop it, but then, when did democrats ever concern themselves with legalities?

  4. And the “Fix” is in. Anything butt has a new player & of course Obama Mama & Big Mike throw in their support. What more could all of America ask. Just toss the former guy into the burning “Dump”ster fire. It’s adios amigo for all things Mr Fake. Meanwhile the FBI claim a Heinz ketchup pack is the only thing that hit his ear. Fake blood trick from his wrestling buddies.

  5. Picture the trailer park whore as ex-girlfriend:
    screaming obsenities at the ‘in-laws’ in front of the chillrun,
    vandalizing the trophy customized jacked-up pickem up truck,
    showing up drunk and crazed at her ex’s employer trying to get him fired….

    … now imagine DOCTOR Jill, when she returns from her Last Junket in Paris, and chooses to fight those who turned off the tap for her access to the Presiduncy and all her free shit.

    This could produce some great hillbilly Americana.


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