Is Extortionist Jack Smith Being Extorted to Pursue Trump? – IOTW Report

Is Extortionist Jack Smith Being Extorted to Pursue Trump?

Deep Capture: It started off as a typical DeepCapture intrigue, this one set in Europe, with whistleblowers whispering in the backs of airport hotel bars, stakeouts in obscure Swiss hamlets, and back-alley brush-passes in Eastern Europe capitals. It ended with proof that is a liver-punch to Garland’s politicized Department of Justice and its Southern District of New York offices.

The superb 151-page whistleblower complaint (attached) speaks for itself. Three allegations to take from it: MORE

12 Comments on Is Extortionist Jack Smith Being Extorted to Pursue Trump?

  1. I think it’s fair to say the Cxck Sxcking Mxther Fxcker is either being pulled or pushed. He’s either got a huge carrot in front of him or a huge gun behind him. He’s making tooooo many mistakes. Even for a Fed flunky.

  2. Brad – Push, Pull and Suck are the three main laws of the Universe! If it ain’t pushin or pullin… it sucks!

    Give a dimwitted lawyer a challenge and he won’t turn it down, especially when he’s got gang support!!

  3. Seeing as how being “dirty” is a prerequisite for public “service” at the federal level, yeah he probably is being extorted.It’s how you advance your career in that world. Pathetic.

  4. Suspect, is the so-call expert witness for the defense in his fraud trial. Paid $900,000.00 to say what Trump wanted him to say. Phoney baloney testimony. Cockamamie nonsense. Dare goes a million dollars right down his golden crapper.

  5. And apparently, Trump can talk about this now. I’d say that gag order was narrowed quite a bit. In fact it could be that all the restrictions that were upheld were small beer, and the most ridiculously restrictive part of that gag order was lifted. Jack must be sweating bullets. Watch out PDT, a cornered rat is the most dangerous.

  6. Oh hi anonymous. You’re busy running damage control for your dutch rudder buddy Jack today. I hope he’s giving you a little bit of his filthy lucre for your efforts. Oh, what am I saying…he doesn’t give a damn about you. Take a break, catch your breath for a minute. It’s not like you’re the one in hot water, right?

  7. ^^^^ Read it’s smelly Labia. These trolls wouldn’t know the truth if it hit them like a Greyhound.
    Hey Troll, when they finally lock up Trump, find a place to hide. Shit’s going to get real.


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