Is Fetterman The Voice of Reason on Biden’s Disastrous Immigration Policy? – IOTW Report

Is Fetterman The Voice of Reason on Biden’s Disastrous Immigration Policy?

Politics Brief: Senator John Fetterman (D-PA) is turning heads with his recent remarks pushing back against a number of Biden policies, and in particular, its open border policies that have fueled out-of-control immigration.

Fetterman ripped Biden’s destructive border policies in a Fox News interview.

“If you look at the numbers, it’s almost 270,000 encounters and that’s a lot,” he said. “It’s not xenophobic to have a conversation about border security.”

In an extensive CNN interview, Fetterman also emphasized that border security is a real issue after Jake Tapper cited his quote and noted that he rejected the label of being a “progressive.” The CNN host then asked him what he would call himself. more here

21 Comments on Is Fetterman The Voice of Reason on Biden’s Disastrous Immigration Policy?

  1. BS 270,000 is a lot. Suck on it progs, I hope all of them plus another 200k enter your cities and you can live with your virtue.

    When does is a sanctuary city no longer a sanctuary city? NEVER! Not one of them has backed off their claim. Keep sending them.

  2. I am little concerned that Fetterman suffered some brain impairment due to strokes, yet is still more coherent and rational than the President and most Democrats and all of MSNBC and CNN talking heads.

  3. ^^^^^^

    Bro, the way I see it, we have some really friendly people on or side the fxck us every time they get a chance.

    Friendly or unfriendly? No. How about useful or useless.
    I only see one person trying to stop the Japs from buying U.S. Steel. And it’s not Lindsey Graham.

  4. I’m shocked he used “xenophobic” in a sentence. Actually, I’m shocked he formulated a sentence. The last time I heard from him he made FJB and Kamela sound like debate champions.

  5. US Steel – $14 Billion

    US doesn’t need steel manufacturing. AI, video games, and bitcoin mining will do everything we could possibly need. Apparently.

  6. ecp

    The entire famdamily was making fun of my beat to shit I phone 6. Cracked screen, scuffed up. Half the apps don’t work. But I’ll be damned if I’m going to spend $1200.00 on a new one so they can track my ass even better than they are now. Plus I’m a cheap bastid.

  7. If Dolly Parton plays poker, how does she see her cards? She must hold them horizontally to her eyes. If she held them at table level and tried to turn them up slightly, she’d never see them. Something getting in her line of sight would make it impossible for her to see her cards.

    Therefore, I encourage her, being mindful of her extraordinary physical attributes, to never play poker.

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