Is Governor Whitmer using state power to harass someone who sued her? – IOTW Report

Is Governor Whitmer using state power to harass someone who sued her?

American Thinker: Jordan Warnsholz, a physician in Michigan, put up a lengthy Facebook post detailing how the State of Michigan is harassing him personally and professionally.  He contends that he is the victim of Governor Gretchen Whitmer’s vindictive abuse of power.

What he describes is a Kafka-esque nightmare in which government agencies have criminalized minor infractions and threatened his custody over his children.  Intrigued, I checked why Warnsholz blamed Whitmer for abusing her executive powers.  It turns out that he sued her in May for — yes — abusing her executive powers.

In May 2020, Warnsholz, a physician assistant, was one of three people in the medical field who, along with a patient, sued Governor Whitmer; Michigan attorney general Dana Nessell; and Robert Gordon, the director of the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services.  The basis for their complaint was that Whitmer’s executive orders — which became a byword for overreach in the early months of the Wuhan virus panic — left the medical practice unable to offer necessary treatments to its patients.

Michigan, incidentally, is one of four states that the Department of Justice is investigating because of the staggeringly high death rates for elderly residents in nursing homes.  The deaths of nursing home residents in Michigan, who constitute a minute fraction of the population, accounted for 32% of all Wuhan virus deaths in that state.

Because of Whitmer’s sweeping orders, the plaintiffs, including Wanrsholz, alleged that patients suffered serious harm: MORE

8 Comments on Is Governor Whitmer using state power to harass someone who sued her?

  1. Two more years of little Hillary, right? I hope y’all Michiganders are already working on the next gubernatorial campaign. And maybe some earlier actions. All in secret, of course. I can see why Biden wanted her for VP. He’s definitely losing his mind.

  2. I thought I was safe because I planted my garden before buying seeds was illegal. I was just about to harvest my crop when the state showed up and confiscated my whole garden.

  3. Why shouldn’t she?

    The courts ruled that she can dictate – so she can dictate!
    The (US) Constitution be damned!

    I don’t see why her “emergency” powers don’t permit her to summarily execute anyone she pleases.
    Michigan has gone the way of New York, Illinois, California, Oregon, Washington, Maryland, Virginia, and some other shit-holes.

    The list grows as more and more Americans choose slavery over Liberty; sucking into the lies of the “left” (Progressives, Nazis, Fascists, Communists, Socialists, Anarchists, Syndicalists, Social Demonrats, Demonratic Socialists, whatever they call themselves).

    What we tolerate – we get.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. @aleon August 30, 2020 at 9:23 am

    Refresh my memory, I’ve forgotten. What was the health hazard about planting your own garden? I remember the seed ban, but not why it was implemented.


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