Is he helping? – IOTW Report

Is he helping?

‘Tell me a politician who doesn’t tell lies’

ben carson on the view march 2016

TheWeek: Ben Carson has struggled to explain exactly why he endorsed GOP presidential frontrunner Donald Trump, and today was apparently not the day he suddenly had an epiphany. Appearing on ABC’s The View Thursday, Carson weakly offered to the hosts that, “We have to work with what we have, not necessarily what we ideally would want.”

When the hosts accused Trump of being a liar, Carson again didn’t exactly refute the claims. “Tell me a politician who doesn’t tell lies,” Carson said. read more

4 Comments on Is he helping?

  1. Dr Carson certainly isn’t helping himself, but he is proving politics and the media are best left to the professionals – the pimps and whores, shit shovelers and gold diggers, backscratchers and cocksuckers, backstabbers and purse snatchers, and actors and sundry other sociopaths.

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