“Is He Too Old?” – IOTW Report

“Is He Too Old?”

21 Comments on “Is He Too Old?”

  1. Watch – They will adjust the narrative over the next year that slowjoe is too old, and from what we learned about his frailties that President Trump is also too old.

  2. Mid 70s here and the stress of everyday living causes one to forget things. I can’t imagine the stress of having to deal with world events. Yes he’s too old as is half the senate. Evidently Trump is one of the few who isn’t affected.

  3. I dont give a damn how old he is. He’s too evil, an open pedophile who doesn’t even spare his own children or grandchildren, a neurosyphiliptic lying goblin who’s reprobate mind sold out to satan decades ago who is completely content to be used to destroy this nation, these people, and persecute Christians.

    Old is the LEAST of the reasons he should no longer be.

  4. Once Warren G. Harding died it started coming out what a disaster he was. I wonder if the same thing will happen with Biden. At least Harding’s VP was Silent Cal. Biden’s is Cackling Kamala.

    Coincidentally, we are almost to the centennial of Harding’s death. This August should be interesting. The records behind Harding’s death are supposed to be released after 100 years. Maybe we will find out if Harding was really poisoned by his wife.

    Poisoned by his wife? Hmmm. Nah, Jill is too much of a gold digger to give up what she has now. However, if it looks like Joe is going to be pushed aside then all bets are off.

  5. Yep I firmly agree, Donald Trump is way too old. Dementia has already set in, has trouble walking up stairs. Heck theres a level at the White House that is only accessible by stairs, Donny never went there. In fact Melania would go there for private time, all the time. Also grandpa coup leader sets a bad example for the younger people.

  6. geoff, I am getting kinda long in the tooth, a ’52 model. I think the terms were used by past generations, like my grandparents age. That’s why I was seeking clarification. I think they would normally apply to a much younger lass, but Jill tries to dress and make up like a teenager. Maybe ‘old whore’ is the term I was struggling with.

  7. Too old? My roommate walked into the living room a few days ago asking my sister and me if we knew where her phone was. I looked up and said, “Isn’t that it on your face?”

    She started laughing so hard she snorted, walking away with her phone held to her ear.

  8. Angus, I’m right there with you as I was born in 1953 right at the peak of the baby boom when all the Korean War vets came home and started producing kids like there was no tomorrow. Another out of use word is scalawag (she called it scallywag), my wife’s grandmother who was in her 90’s at the time used it to refer to my ex-brother-in-law who was married to my wife’s younger sister. He had an affair, and it was probably the closest that my wife’s grandmother came to swearing when she called him that. You don’t hear loose women being called dollies or harlots anymore either. Tramp is still used though.


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