Is Hillary using Michelle Obama’s designers? – IOTW Report

Is Hillary using Michelle Obama’s designers?

hillary outfit wtf?

54 Comments on Is Hillary using Michelle Obama’s designers?

  1. Well it makes sense. She has to hide a catheter with collection system and now since we scared away Dr Feelgood she also needs a drug pump with IV connection to deliver her seizure meds and stimulant and maybe a defibrillator. It takes a pretty big tent to camouflage all of that.

  2. This get up is what Bill requires her to wear when serving him and The Energizer breakfast in bed. I think it used to be called a housecoat, which is kinda weird. Who wears a coat in the house????

  3. I would wonder, ‘WHAT THE HELL,’ if I had just paid an ungodly amount of money to attend and she showed up looking like a well used dog toy, as she does. What the hell is wrong with liberals? Zika brains? Freaking amazing.

  4. Bet Hellary has copies of Mao’s “little red book”, Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals” and her personal notes on how to be a sucessful mafia boss in those house coat pockets.

  5. The whole look is really a distraction from what’s underneath; a colostomy rig, defibrillator unit, catheter tubing, strap-on gear, adult diaper, or whatever else. Her fashion statement is a smokescreen facade, preventing us Americans from knowing how extremely sick she is.

  6. Bwaaaaaaaaaah Haaaaaaaaa Haaaaaaaaaaaaaa …..Bwaaaaaaaaah haaaaaaa …. gasp, wheeze …… Bwaaaaaaaaaaaah … oh jeez … that is one funny clown suit
    Seriously, Zippy the Pinhead called … he wants his suit back
    … & Mooch is sniggering …. “no boob belt … I still got it!”

    & tomorrow’s Washington Post headline will be, “Hillary breaks new fashion barriers: Outfits to die for!”

  7. Her pantsuit jackets used to be nipped in at the waist to give her some semblance of a shape. What’s with all these big, baggy, long jackets? In the summer? Does she ever show her arms? And if she did, would we ever stop retching?

  8. she looks like an escapee from a mental hospital… Clothes DO make the man or woman and I cannot BELIEVE anyone would dream of choosing this mess to represent us.

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