Is Iran Quietly Infiltrating Congress Through Democrats Like Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib? – IOTW Report

Is Iran Quietly Infiltrating Congress Through Democrats Like Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib?


Earlier this month, House Democrats sent a letter to Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin, urging sanctions relief for Iran. Among other things, they criticized “the designation of Iran’s Central Bank under terror authorities,” arguing that “the efficacy of sanctions is questionable.” An organization long described as a front group for the Iran regime sponsored the letter and has embedded staffers with many of the letter’s supporters in Congress, including Reps. Barbara Lee (D-Calif.), Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.), and Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.).

“Is Iran’s regime quietly infiltrating Congress?” M. Hanif Jazayeri, news editor at Free Iran, asked on Twitter. He pointed out that many of these congresswomen hired current or former staffers with the National Iranian-American Council (NIAC), an organization with many links to Iran’s regime and which Iran state-media has described as “Iran’s lobby” in the U.S.

Jazayeri added that NIAC “has a mole in Congress. [Samira Damavandi] is now a permanent Legislative Assistant in the Office of [Barbara Lee]. That could potentially give her (& the regime) access to US citizens’ data.” more

22 Comments on Is Iran Quietly Infiltrating Congress Through Democrats Like Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib?

  1. um …. yes

    so are all the communists supported by Soros & his minions … which is probably at least 2/3 of the d’rat party, including many state & local commies

    bring back ‘Tailgunner’ Joe! … he was right

  2. Our system makes it so easy. Just pay a collection of derelicts to go out and vote for who they are told to. A few bottles of cheap wine or some twenty dollar bills and you’ve secured a seat in congress.

  3. The Demonrats, in their quest to destroy America, have enlisted the aid of many.

    Iran, Ukraine, Russia, Palestine, EU, Syria, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, China, and NoKo are just a short list of conspirators.
    The UN is a bastion of Globaloney-ist, anti-Freedom, anti-Liberty, anti-Judeo-Christian sanity and civilization – and we’ve been hoodwinked into financing it and our own destruction.
    The “Open Borders” debate is simply a ruse to buy time and infiltrate millions – to further the destruction – the fact that what the rat-people will (eventually) inherit will be a desolate rat-land, similar to the ones they’ve fled, doesn’t seem to interest them.

    “Diversity is our Strength” is a slogan, not a fact – and, as usual, you can bet that anything propounded by the totalitarian nihilistic socialists is a lie.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. The Valerie Jarret-Obama, and Huma Abedin-Clinton connections hold many keys to the rise of Iranian and Muslim Brotherhood influence in our government.

    Valerie Jarrett had unfettered access to the Obama’s with little to no media scrutiny. I would guess that 90% of Americans have no idea who she is and what her Iranian connections are.

    The same holds true with Abedin. The only thing most people know about her is that she was married to Carlos Danger.

    I truly believe that the Obamas and Clintons are despicable, evil people.

  5. If the land I was born to, the land my ancestors were born to, is occupied by the French; and the French “sell” it to the Belgians; while my neighbors eat Cheetos, wallow on “their” curbs (the couches are, mostly, gone), and smile; the caterwauling of the French “entrepreneurs” whose family “businesses” will be diminished, should concern me… how?

  6. Gee, who woulda thunk? We imported Nazi’s after WWII (Operation Paperclip, either we scarfed them up or the Russians would), the Commies infiltrated govt during Truman, the Chinese were welcomed in under Clinton’s, the Muslims under Bush Jr and obama.

    USAID is a rogue money laundry washing agency that funds terrorists orgs throughout the world.

    And ALL are protected via the American Federation of Govt Employees Union, sanctioned by Congress. You can’t fire them!!!!

    These are just reasons #12679 why govt is too big.

  7. Quietly Infiltrating Congress

    WTF! I have a hearing aid in both ears and often turn them off for the peace it brings, but even then there’s no quiet about what they’re doing. As CC said above, “…they’re pretty loud, actually.”

  8. There’s nothing quiet about Moslems.
    Obama claiming the Adhan is ‘the most beautiful sound on Earth’ is proof.

    Of course, compared to Mooch’s incessant screeching, he may be right.

  9. There are hundreds of Congressers. They all hold town halls. They all say stuff. Most of them are unknowns. Only a few are “rock stars” based on their intelligence and actions.

    Query how and why these flukeworms have become famous?


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