Is It 25th Amendment Time Yet? – IOTW Report

Is It 25th Amendment Time Yet?

17 Comments on Is It 25th Amendment Time Yet?

  1. He should have been 25th amendmented (is that a word?) on day 1.
    He hasn’t been seen much since the speech to Congress. I think maybe they maxxed out the amount of adderall for a few weeks

  2. Other than he sounds like a shaky, wispy old man at the Villages, I’m not sure this is a story he tells because he’s senile. He tells these stories because he’s a liar liar pants on fire. Always has been. Needs to fabricate interesting stories because he’s a big loser with a big ego

  3. Let Brandon Go.

    When the whole puppeteer cabal, or a critical mass of it, is situated in the Situation Room, doing something dangerous and stupid, it’s time to amend that situation with whatever amendment is available.

  4. I’ve heard him use the same story, delivery and emphasis but the names were different. I’m assuming he’s trying to imagine what a real hero would say about war service.

  5. It really should not be an issue. The old bastard should have been swept under the rug during his 1988 futile effort. Yet, the idiocracy of Delaware voters said “nothing to see here” & returned him to the Senate election after election. Today, the preening, dementia ridden husk is the leader of the free(for the moment)world. Polls say that a majority of idiot(Democrat)voters don’t want him to run again. I assure you all, that bitch Jill Biden will never NOT let the old fucker run again, dementia or not. The worst part of it all being, he will probably win again, as the Democrat’s have election theft down to a science & they know that we are aware & just don’t care.

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