Is it time to leave Earth? – IOTW Report

Is it time to leave Earth?

23 Comments on Is it time to leave Earth?

  1. Leave? Just when things are starting to get interesting? You wanna’ duck out before J-Pop returns to earf? Miss out on WW3, the zombie apocalypse AND Will Smifs triumphant return to the Oscars in 10 years?

    Hell no. Bring on the end times and pass the salt.

  2. only if Elon Musk invites me to his already-completed Battle Star Gallactica Death Star World Eater (fully electric, solar-powered, dylithium crystalled, berrillium sphered, w/ a Generac Household 8,000-Watt backup … of course)

    & if that don’t happen … I’ll stick around
    got too much popcorn & hooch stocked up to leave now!

  3. I don’t know, but for nearly two years I have not been able to (nor would I want to) shake this giddy anticipation of something really BIG is about to happen. I’ve been praying for a lot of years that I would win the big lottery and that harpazo would happen in my lifetime. Hey! It’s going to happen during *someone’s* lifetime, so why not mine?! And I’ve had two dreams recently that point directly to it, too.

    Time to leave earth? You betcha! Paradise or bust!

    Watch and pray, y’all.

  4. I have it on good authority that the signs of End Times is:

    The Toronto Maple Leafs Winning the Stanley Cup.

    If they do, The world ends.

    Losers since 1967


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