Is It Wrong To Compliment A Man On His Speedos? – IOTW Report

Is It Wrong To Compliment A Man On His Speedos?

Is it sexual harassment to say a man looks ‘fit’ in his speedos? Apparently so.

16 Comments on Is It Wrong To Compliment A Man On His Speedos?

  1. Should be the other way around. I mean, who the hell wears their speedos in full display at the workplace?

    Especially at a friggen school?

    WTF isn’t strong enough in this case!

  2. For me, his motivation or intent plays a major role in determining the correctness of the action. If he wanted to make them play by their own rules, to subject them to the pugilistic environment between the sexes that they themselves wrought, then hell yeah, make them pay.

    But if this was brought on an aggrieved sensibilities then I’d say this guy deserves a beating. If he was honestly offended then he should rip up his man card and go put on a dress.

  3. A Russian man goes to the beach with his American friend. He notices the ladies all giving his friend admiring looks and smiles and trying to catch his eye.

    The Russian man later asks his friend for his secret. His friend says, “Well, I wear Speedos and before I hit the beach, I shove a potato in them.”.

    The Russian thinks this is brilliant and tries it the next day, only to be rewarded with feminine laughter, pointing, and disgust. Frustrate, he finds his friend and says, “I do as you say but get nothing but insults!”

    The American glances down for a moment, then tells him, “Sergei, the potato goes in the FRONT”.

  4. @fullmetal256 Sunday, 7 April 2024, 12:15 at 12:15 pm

    “…Should be the other way around. I mean, who the hell wears their speedos in full display at the workplace?

    Especially at a friggen school?…”

    He could have been an art teacher modeling for the class….well, it’s possible…maybe.

  5. If we had complimented Mooch on his package the moment Barki got “elected” maybe he would have dropped the “I’m Baronk’s babies’ momma” lie that he’s been burdened to live all these years…

    “All this… for a fag!?”

  6. It’s perfectly acceptable to be a man wearing a Speedo. OK it’s never perfectly acceptable for a man to wear a Speedo. Ever.

    But on the practical side, is sensible for him to be donning his gay apparel in the UK this time of year?
    It’s pretty nippley.


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