Is Jeff Flake Thinking Of Challenging Donald Trump in 2020? – IOTW Report

Is Jeff Flake Thinking Of Challenging Donald Trump in 2020?


Arizona GOP Sen. Jeff Flake isn’t shutting the door on a possible White House run against President Trump.

The Arizona lawmaker — who announced last year that he would not be seeking re-election to the Senate — told Politico on Friday that he hasn’t “ruled it out,” nor has he “ruled it in.”

“Just, somebody needs to run on the Republican side,” Flake said.

He added that he thought Ohio Gov. John Kasich and Sen. Ben Sasse (R-Neb.) would also be good Republican alternatives to challenge Trump in 2020.

“I hope somebody does [run], just to remind Republicans what it means to be conservative and what it means to be decent. We’ve got to bring that back,” Flake told the outlet.

“You can whip up the base for a cycle or two but it wears thin. Anger and resentment are not a governing philosophy.”

And while he insisted that a 2020 Senate run in Arizona was “not in the cards,” he also told Politico that he’s “not swearing off politics.”

On Thursday, Flake announced via Twitter his intention, alongside Sen. Chris Coons (D-Del.), to “ask for unanimous consent” to vote for legislation that would “protect” special counsel Robert Mueller.

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21 Comments on Is Jeff Flake Thinking Of Challenging Donald Trump in 2020?

  1. Was there ever a senator who didn’t dream of someday being President? That’s their sole purpose in life and Trump came in without ever holding any elected office…that’s one of the reasons they hate him

  2. Flake, like Kasich, is AND ALWAYS HAS BEEN A GWB tool! As was “Snarlin Arlin” for thos under 50 Arlin S was the liberal leader of the Bus “Republicans” who “Borked” Judge Bork 30 years ago. GWB is a liberal and has hated conservatives since 1980!

    Flake will run, as will Kasich, to give The Press a tool to bash Don with! Neither has a chance to win and election. But GWB’s boys win if they make Don look bad; and the Press will use them to so just that!

  3. I voted for Flake and was happy to see him take his senate seat…..then he went MAJOR WHACKO and made RINOS look like hard core conservatives. This is NOT the Flake I voted for.

  4. Ferd Berfle
    WTF is up with southern Arizona? It’s gotta be Peyote. New ballots were found that have elected the Libtard Looker. McSally is now out? What the hell? No one getting a blow job from that bitch. I hate to tell ya.


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