Is Jill Stein killing The Left? – IOTW Report

Is Jill Stein killing The Left?

DailyCaller: Over the long holiday weekend, the radical left and their poodles in the Democrat Party announced a move to force recounts in the Presidential election in three states; Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania.Β  The move, endorsed and supported by Madame Clinton, received breathless coverage from a corrupt mainstream media that is still in deep shock over the defeat of their globalist apparatchik.

What the instigator of this futile move, Mrs. Clinton and the media do not understand is that they are doing Donald Trump and the American people a huge favor.Β  Yes, Jill Stein, the Green Party candidate who is formally calling for the recounts, has collected millions of dollars from grieving leftists across the country.Β  She is building a donor file that will enable her to pay for the recounts but also form a funding base with which she and her ilk can attack the few remaining rational people inside the Democrat Party structure.Β  So, thank you, Jill Stein, for seizing the opportunity to build infrastructure that will push the Democrat Party further to the Left and over the cliff.


12 Comments on Is Jill Stein killing The Left?

  1. Right on.


  2. Sure hope so …

    Literally and figuratively.
    (though they’re SOCIALISTS not leftists (republicans))
    (I know that “usage is King” but I chafe at THEM controlling the narrative)

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. He makes several good points foremost among them is I hope it’s getting through to everyone that this is a fight to the death. After the House elects Trump, if it gets to there, we’ll see above the fold for the next 45 days how illegitimate Trump’s victory was, despite the overwhelming Constitutional wins.

    Any vacillation or wavering on our part will be rightly taken as weakness. IOW, Erickson and Kristol need to STFU.

    Fuck I hate the left dominated media.

  4. Gee, I don’t know. Sounds to me like the writer needs to back down on their coffee intake. I agree with some others’ take on this tempest; that besides Stein’s lunatic grandstanding and the Left’s signature tactic of raising money off manufactured crises, the primary goal is to cast great doubt on the legitimacy of the fairly-elected Trump and giving credence to their “Not My President” protest du jour.

    Can’t imagine what this world would look like if all those people turned their misspent energies to doing something real and good. It is their shame that they model the instincts and actions of spoiled children.

  5. Notice how the anti-Trump riots disappeared at Thanksgiving and were immediately replaced by Recount Theater. After the electors are certified for Trump, It’ll be something else

  6. …or maybe back to riots, if they’re stuck in an Alinsky loop…

    6. β€œA good tactic is one your people enjoy.”
    7. β€œA tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag.”
    6. β€œA good tactic is one your people enjoy.”
    7. β€œA tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag.”
    6. β€œA good tactic is one your people enjoy.”
    7. β€œA tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag.”

  7. Wisconsin legislature agree they wont pay for the recount process.
    Most clerks say it will shut down the state legal process for weeks.
    This whole scam is just harassment of the states that didn’t save HiLiary.
    It will backfire and turn more people against democrats.

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