Is Jimmy Carter Back In Charge? Handouts Rule The Day – IOTW Report

Is Jimmy Carter Back In Charge? Handouts Rule The Day

Howie Carr

Have you noticed that some products you used to be able to buy in stores have disappeared from the shelves?

Have you also noticed that every employer in the nation seems to have a large “HELP WANTED ALL SHIFTS” sign hanging in the front window?

Could there possibly be a connection between these two dismal phenomena?

Supposedly, some relief should be on the way, because the $300-a-week federal handout to millions of layabouts because of the Panic has now ended.

So, theoretically at least, some of these 10.1 million unfilled US jobs should be filled by the 8.7 million “unemployed” Americans.

Maybe. The problem is that most states are still sitting on billions in free federal money. And Dementia Joe Biden, who has great sympathy for the gainfully unemployed since he’s been one of them his entire life, is urging the states to keep the handouts going to his shiftless Democrat constituents.

Businesses are hoping that now that the dole is sort of, perhaps, maybe, ending, even the most loyal Democrats will have no choice but to return to work.

I have my doubts.

See, I worked at Boston City Hall (as a reporter) during the Jimmy Carter malaise. Back then, the feds had a similar, if much smaller scam going.

It was the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act (CETA). It should have been called CUTA, because in fact it encouraged comprehensive unemployment rather than employment. read more

13 Comments on Is Jimmy Carter Back In Charge? Handouts Rule The Day

  1. People are smart, lazy,useless and valueless but smart. At least smart enough to work the system and get something for nothing. I worked for an employer who would hire large groups of people, train them for three weeks in a comfortable classroom environment pay they well for their time and then when it was time to start working about three quarters of them would just walk. Easy money for three weeks of sitting and being fed and getting regular brakes. Smart enough to take and abuse a system but not smart enough to make the most of a good opportunity!

  2. At least Carter gave us Reagan.

    Where’s the NEXT one?

    And how are we going to survive until then?

    And they didn’t have Dominion then either.

    …guessing if then were now, President Mondale would have been a 50 state sweep…

  3. Wait until Biden gives his “major address” including a “6-pronged approach” to the coof later today. It’ll have hundreds of livestream viewers and thousands of dislikes, as is usual for the most popular president in history.

    The adults that are back in charge are going to have a new plan to do all the same stuff that was implemented way back in the Trump era sprinkled with more tyranny.

    We’re going to see money handed out in 3 ways, and mandates dictated in 3 ways. All the same ways we’ve already seen, but the money will be more generous and the mandates more harsh.

    Biden will lay it out as such,

    The democrats will cheer it as all new and definitely going to work this time, and 3 republicans will fake outrage for the day and go along with it tomorrow.

    Results of this plan? I think you know the answer.

  4. I was hired thru CETA to work for the State of Washington at Interlake School for the handicapped, disabled and mentally retarded in Medical Lake in 1977. It was a very interesting and challenging place to work, I worked there about 9-10 months until I got married and then quit and went to college at EWU in Cheney on the GI Bill. Working in a state institution with these type of people is not for the faint of heart, I could’ve stayed there because it paid well, had excellent benefits but my life would’ve turned out different and it might have tempted me to become a democrap. It was a decent job while it lasted but it wasn’t for me as a lifelong profession. And talk about skating thru life these places were made for slackers and people who wanted to just get by in life at the lowest possible good paying state job. I would’ve had to been more retarded or handicapped than the people I worked with because it would’ve been almost impossible to be fired from this job outside of gross negligence and even then they’d probably still keep you on the job just because.

  5. We’ve reached the the ultimate pinnacle of Cloward-Piven where democRATs can’t throw pallets of cash away at the four winds fast enough! While Conservatives want to drain the Swamp, the Swamp wants to drain the United States of America!

  6. I live in south central MO (which is supposedly conservative) and when I went out to buy grain about 9:30 this morning I passed a bunch of cars (40 or so) on 160 sitting with their motors running and their AC on, waiting to get free food (why weren’t they at work?).
    I could have puked.
    I’ve seen this in Arkansas, but here? It’s saddening.

    izlamo delenda est …


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