Is Justice Sonia Sotomayor about to be pushed off the Supreme Court? – IOTW Report

Is Justice Sonia Sotomayor about to be pushed off the Supreme Court?


By Andrea Widburg

Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor is recognized for three things: (1) She was the first Hispanic female justice on the Court; (2) She’s a leftist’s leftist; and (3) she is not wise but is, in my humble opinion, almost staggeringly ignorant and biased. All those factors benefit Democrats, but now they’re getting worried, not because of her manifest legal and intellectual deficits but because there’s a possibility that they will not hold the White House and Senate after the 2024 election.

Barack Obama nominated Sotomayor to the Supreme Court in 2009, following her eleven-year stint as a Clinton appointee on the Second Circuit. Of Puerto Rican heritage, she has the Ivy League credentials that mean so much to Democrats. She graduated from Princeton with a summa cum laude degree in history (the focus of which was apparently entirely on Hispanic studies). She admits that she got in because of affirmative action.

Sotomayor next went to Yale Law School, where she eventually became the editor of the Yale Law Journal—and again, she honestly concedes that it was probable that affirmative action paved the way. No wonder even her Wikipedia profile concedes that “she was not considered among the star students in her class.” Her academic focus was her own race which might (I’m just surmising) have intimidated the law school’s White, bleeding-heart liberal faculty.

When one reads about Sotomayor’s early career after graduating from Yale, two things stand out: She was a hard worker and a mediocre thinker and lawyer. I’m a huge believer in being a hard worker, which will trump genius nine times out of ten. However, when it comes to Supreme Court justices, we want them to be more than hard workers. We want them to be brains.

Throughout her tenure on the Supreme Court, Sotomayor has made statements from the bench that leave one questioning her mental wattage. Last year, when the Supreme Court was hearing about Biden’s attempt to use OSHA to enforce vaccine mandates, she was such a font of misinformation that even leftist media outlets were forced to correct what she said: MORE

17 Comments on Is Justice Sonia Sotomayor about to be pushed off the Supreme Court?

  1. Imagine being hispanic or black and being told these moronic women on the S-C are someone to look up to?

    I would wager every black & hispanic janitor in the country is far more intelligent than those two ignorant bitches.

  2. Let’s see if I understand this one.

    You have an ignorant twat that has an extremely high powered position and if we ask her to give it up for political or whatever reasons, she’ll jump at the chance?

    I seem to recall another liberal old lady who wouldn’t give it up even after she found that she had terminal cancer.

    When you put a turd in the punch bowl it’s not going to remove itself.

  3. The dodo is extinct but their progeny like Putamayor seem to be thriving. Meanwhile, her exalted lumpiness, and Kagan, and Ketanji aka The Three Amoebas serve no other purpose than to be a Titanic boat anchor on the country’s progress.

  4. She’ll get a promotion like Ben Sasse to University of Florida President.
    From $200,000 to $1 million, along with several incentives that would increase his total compensation.

  5. Boy you guys like dreamland, 2 left turns from fantasyland. Top democrats are just gonna rollover because the big bad republicans have the house. You’re partially right. The House by itself has no real power, but you always can dream about real power. Kinda like, coulda, shoulda, woulda. But you can always investigate this, I farted bad, did I get any on you?

  6. Now that they know how to get away with stealing the election, what makes you think there will ever be another Repub. POTUS or senate?
    And if there is a repub POTUS, it will be someone like romney or graham, both wholly owned by DNC.

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