Is Kamala Harris planting negative stories to knock out her potential rivals? – IOTW Report

Is Kamala Harris planting negative stories to knock out her potential rivals?

American Thinker:

Kamala Harris, who was resoundingly rejected by voters before the primaries based on her phoniness, is now running a stealth campaign to be Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden’s vice president.  Here’s the Atlantic Monthly’s June 30 take on it:

In public, Harris has repeatedly insisted that she’s not talking about or thinking about her prospects of being picked. But judging from my conversations with people around Harris, she and her team use her prospects to book events and television hits that aim to show she’s neither overeager nor overambitious. She and her team are avoiding situations that could create stumbles. They’re hoping that her résumé, her background, and the force of her personality propel her. They’re picking specific moments for her to grab attention on the Senate floor or send a calibrated tweet. They’re tuning out political reporters who are stuck on their couches, looking to drum up content during the pandemic. They’re trying to ease concerns in Biden’s orbit that if she’s picked and they win, she’ll start running for president the morning after the inauguration. They want her on the ticket, and positioned to be the Democratic nominee in 2024.

It’s been in the news quite a bit that she wants the job bad even though she’s effectively been saying “Who, me?”

She’s been showing up at every press opportunity to smile and look occupied with legislation — popular uncontroversial measures, such as making Juneteenth a holiday.  She’s also been out there denouncing cops and blaming Trump.  In addition, she’s had what looks like some heavy-duty plastic surgery in a bid to look better on camera.  Nothing to see here, move along, la di da…

But behind the phony smiles and demurs, she’s campaigning like crazy to undercut her potential black-woman rivals, planting negative stories about them in the press about them to keep Biden from picking them.  Call it a campaign to one. more

17 Comments on Is Kamala Harris planting negative stories to knock out her potential rivals?

  1. Kamala, Joe called. You’re no longer sniffable. The face job, honey, that’s what done it.

    (PS: You should have had ’em work on your boobs, instead. Joe likes boobs.)

  2. “They’re hoping that her résumé, her background, and the force of her personality propel her.“

    Reading between the lines: “tell Joe I’m willing and ready to be sniffed.”

  3. Elizabeth Warren wasn’t available? But Harris has been in Soros pocket for years.
    George Soros Backs Elizabeth Warren as ‘Most Qualified to Be President’, Vows to Stop Trump

    Corrupt Senator Kamala Harris & Soros-Funded Group Join To Raise Money Using False Allegations Against Kavanaugh

  4. “…In addition, she’s had what looks like some heavy-duty plastic surgery in a bid to look better on camera…”

    Let me correct that statement to more accurately reflect the truth:

    “…In addition, she’s had what looks like some heavy-duty plastic surgery in a bid to look BLACK on camera…”

    There fixed it.

  5. No matter what Willie Brown tells you, you HAVE to wipe off his ‘facials.’

    Otherwise, you get a build-up that begins to look like plastic.

    Find a mirror, b!tch, and start scrubbing.


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