Is Klaus Schwab the Most Dangerous Man in the World? – IOTW Report

Is Klaus Schwab the Most Dangerous Man in the World?

Klaus Schwab is bringing you the great reset. And not only will it be great, it’ll be a fantastic reset! The folks at the World Economic Forum are busy helping protect you from climate change and disease. Yet some people still ask, is Klaus Schwab the most dangerous man in the World? Get the full picture along with everything they DON’T want you to know in this video!

27 Comments on Is Klaus Schwab the Most Dangerous Man in the World?

  1. At 6:31 the historically draw picture in the
    background is ‘Leviathan’ by Thomas
    Hobbes (London, 1651)….English political
    philosopher….Argued for absolute rule….
    that “one rules over all” thing……like
    advocating for a god on Earth thing….

    Anyone know anything about the moon dial (?)
    on the left….that’s been added…? Is this an occult symbology thing….?

  2. This demonic asshole wants to murder 90% of the humans on Earth via planned famines in such a manner that allows him to concoct a preposterous historical narrative that makes him a “hero”.

  3. These brutes that gather in Davos every year are the ones behind the pandemics, IMO. They are all Darwinists and are taking evolution to the next level of Darwinism and doing what evolution/nature is taking too long to do: making sure the fittest (richest and most powerful among us) get to survive by sacrificing the rest of us useless eaters and polluters.

    I think we’ll have deadlier pandemics. Meanwhile, our assets get wasted by higher prices for everything, a big hit on our ability to even exist.

    Just have faith in God. Turn your backs on scientists, politicians, liberals, entertainers, and media liars.

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