Is Maduro looking for amnesty? – IOTW Report

Is Maduro looking for amnesty?

American Thinker: Venezuela’s Maduro looking for a way out?

Tis the season for calling it quits for ruinous socialist dictators, as the exit of Zimbabwe’s Robert Mugabe this year and the promised goodbye of Cuba’s Raul Castro next year suggest. Now a report is circulating that Venezuela’s Nicolas Maduro wants out, too.

According to a detailed story from the Miami Herald:

A Venezuelan millionaire declared persona non grata by the City of Miami for his alleged ties to the Maduro regime is trying to broker an exit strategy with the Trump administration for his beleaguered government, according to various Washington sources.

Raúl Gorrín, criticized for the controversial purchase in 2013 of the then pro-opposition news channel Globovisión, has paid Ballard Partners — the firm of President Donald Trump’s former Florida lobbyist — $450,000 since June through the U.S. subsidiary of the Venezuelan TV network, ostensibly to help the company expand into U.S. markets.

But Gorrín’s real ambitions appear to extend far beyond the TV network. According to three sources familiar with his lobbying efforts in Washington — all of whom declined to be identified because they were not authorized to speak on the matter — the media mogul is trying to establish himself as a broker between Caracas and the Trump administration, peddling the idea that President Nicolás Maduro and other key government leaders might be willing to negotiate a transition in Venezuela in exchange for amnesty.

Anyone hearing this ought to gag.
So after ruining his country with Cuban-style socialism, Maduro would like to come to the states he has hated all his life and retire to a comfortable exile with all his ill-gotten billions, utterly consequence-free? While the country he left behind still starves? read more
SNIP:  How does one say, “Oh, hell no!” en Español ?

9 Comments on Is Maduro looking for amnesty?

  1. I hope this is true, and that President Trump moves quickly to remove the banana. Then, I hope he arrives in Caracas, and rides through the streets (in an armored vehicle of course) with Capriles by his side. The liberating of Venezuela will be shattering to the demorats as the Latino world sees the truth. Trump will be defined in South America by freedom and self rule. This could be a huge victory for self determination, liberty, and democracy and a huge blow to the globalist tyrannical scum and muzfilth that currently control Venezuela.

    This will shut the eff up that ratbag Jorge Ramos the commie and a lot of the scum leftwing media filth that have been lying and covering up for the true racist luciferians Hitlery, Odinga, Bill, and the demonrat party.

  2. Let is ass go to Saudi, Cuba,Salvador, Mexico, . Not in my USA. I hope this story isn’t real because he doesn’t like America or the American people. So let is ass burn in the streets of Venezuela by the people in Venezuela.

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