Is Orrin Hatch On His Way Out? – IOTW Report

Is Orrin Hatch On His Way Out?

Breitbart: Staff for Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT) are not outright denying a new report from The Atlantic magazine that Hatch, another ally of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, plans to retire at the end of his current term—another death blow for the failing Senate Majority Leader.


The headline of the latest piece in The Atlantic from McKay Coppins is: “Orrin Hatch Tells Friends He Plans to Retire.”

In the opening sentences, Coppins writes that “has privately told allies in Utah that he is planning to retire at the end of his term next year.”

Hatch’s spokesman did not outright deny the report, he just said that the McConnell ally is not willing to make his plans public yet.

“Nothing has changed since The Atlantic published a carbon copy of this same story in April, likely with the same anonymous sources who were no more informed on the Senator’s thinking than they seem to be now,” Hatch’s spokesman Dave Hansen said. “Senator Hatch is focused on leading the Senate’s efforts to pass historic tax reform, confirming strong judges to courts around the country, and continuing to fight through the gridlock to deliver results for Utah. He has not made a final decision about whether or not to seek reelection, but plans to by the end of the year.”  read more

9 Comments on Is Orrin Hatch On His Way Out?

  1. I, as a conservative resident of the pretty-good state of Utah, certainly hope that Orrin DOES retire, and the sooner, the better. Take Chaffitz’s example and leave early.
    Late September I (and probably about a million other Utahns) received a mass letter from Orrin, decrying the loss of civility in poly-ticks. Nothing about standing up for principles, the letter taken as a whole is spineless dreck. (I’d be happy to transcribe and send it to BFH or any of the IOTW crew, for posting here, as an example of RINO-ism. IOTW can access my email as they wish).
    Orrin has been dreck since his first campaign against Sen Moss (I believe), “What do you call a Senator who’s been in office for 18 years? You call him home.”
    And he’s been in office twice as long. And promised to leave after his first term. ‘Nuff said, before I start to sound whiny.

    And yes, I used to vote for him, under extenuating circumstances. I was out of state for 20 years (military), and out of touch with the local poly-tics. But since I’ve retired, I’ve become more educated on the doings and what’s been going on in the Utah Republican party, and Orrin Hatch. Way past time to depart.

  2. If Mitt Romney replaces Hatch, this will not end well. Romney is nothing but trouble. Romney will just be another McCain. We do not need that. Mitt needs to stay the hell outta politics or be honest, and run as a democrat. Worthless piece of shit.

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