Is Our Stoner President Mentally Impaired? – IOTW Report

Is Our Stoner President Mentally Impaired?

obama eyes half closed


Members of Congress concerned about America’s survival have shied away from impeaching President Obama on national security grounds. They either think impeachment would take too long or that the political process of impeaching the first black Democratic President would be too polarizing. There is an alternative: removing Obama from office because of cognitive impairment.

The issue of removing a president on medical grounds has been in the news lately. Fox News personality Bill O’Reilly charges in his book on Ronald Reagan that Reagan was so impaired by John Hinckley Jr.’s attempt on his life that it affected his ability to serve as president. A number of Reagan scholars say O’Reilly is guilty of restating “old claims and rumors, virtually all of which have been discredited by the historical record.”

Rather than accuse Obama of being a secret Muslim blinded by Marxist ideology, perhaps the way for Congress to save our nation is to invoke the 25th Amendmentto the United States Constitution dealing with presidential disabilities.


28 Comments on Is Our Stoner President Mentally Impaired?

  1. Don’t hold your breath for the Republicrats (Mensheviks) to do ANYTHING to save the Republic.

    It’s DEAD.

    It cannot be resuscitated.

    It MUST BE re-Constituted.

    Americans must re-claim their usurped sovereignty.

  2. The easier fix is for the Secret Service to infuse his choom with arsenic.

    The autopsy would then necessarily describe to the American people what a loser junkie their fairy preezy has been, since ha skoo.

  3. Like Orwell’s 1984, Obama is only the face of the outer government. He is being told what to do by the higher money powers. National sovereignty must be destroyed in order for them to foment the one world government and gun confiscation is necessary for this. Situations are being rapidly created to further these ends and we are all being played. Stay tuned . . .

  4. “Members of Congress concerned about America’s survival have shied away from impeaching President Obama on national security grounds.”

    Which is it, then? They can’t be that concerned about “America’s survival” if they are unwilling to get rid of her biggest threat. More hand wringing from the grandmas in congress.

  5. They say ‘national security’ when they mean the security of their own feathered nest.
    Damn all these traitors. America belongs to The People. The people these traitors have betrayed.

  6. I think Congress fears doing their duty and impeaching him would cause a nation-wide Zulu uprising so the spineless wonders avoid doing what is best for the country. Hate to tell them but the Zulu are already on the rampage in the streets, the malls, campuses and schoolyards.

  7. Really ?? I somehow doubt impeaching Obama would be much more polarizing than the racial strife and division inflamed by Obama’s rhetoric, inaction or actions, over the past 7 years, and what he will do during the next 13 months.

    I would also include public and behind the scenes plotting by other members of his administration such as; Valerie Jarrett, Eric Holder, his replacement Loretta Eric Holder Lynch, and a few others.

    They’ve encouraged lawlessness, and discontent among the citizenry, and he is determined to bring in more malcontents into the country that will include many who are very dangerous. To ramp up chaos not seen here since the 1860s.

    ” They (either) think……. impeaching the first black Democratic President would be too polarizing.”

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