Is Paul Nehlen David Duke’s bastard child? – IOTW Report

Is Paul Nehlen David Duke’s bastard child?

Whatever the case, I think Paul Ryan’s seat is safe.

Patriot Retort: As part of the anti-RINO movement of 2016, Paul Ryan faced a primary challenge for his seat in Wisconsin.

His challenger, Paul Nehlen lost in a landslide.

Whether you like or dislike Paul Ryan, Nehlen makes even the kookiest primary challenger look good.

Sadly, Nehlen didn’t fade into the woodwork. Instead, he’s back for more. Once again, he will challenge Ryan in 2018.

Which pretty much guarantees that Paul Ryan will be reelected.

Apparently Paul Nehlen believes the reason he lost in 2016 was because he didn’t fully embrace the “I’m a whacked-out white-centric, racist anti-Semite” platform.

Over the last week on Twitter, Nehlen has been working overtime to appeal to the anti-#WhiteGenocide crowd with Adolf Hitler in their header photos and timelines choked with cartoons of hook-nosed Jews.

Because nothing says “I’m a serious candidate for Congress” quite like embracing the “Jews rule the world” messaging of the whacked-out Left.

Before Christmas, Nehlen tweeted out this confusing image:  read more


10 Comments on Is Paul Nehlen David Duke’s bastard child?

  1. I think it’s a perception problem.
    When you try to move the ‘Overton Window’ people react as if you just peed on the Mona Lisa.
    You have to admit that window has been yanked pretty far to the left these past 25-years.
    Just realize that Same Sex marriage is now considered mainstream and ten-years-ago it was the exclusive province of kooks and weirdos.

  2. From the link I see him calling some pinko a “shill for the shekels” in what I presume to be a slur of taking jewish money to advance leftism of which much of it is critical race theory that scapegoats whites like Jews in 1930’s Germany. Don’t see the Hitler or hook-nosed-heeb (the proper slur) art work referenced. Not going to look for it either. The cross thing doesn’t work.

    If you think a majority of non-observant Jews in the US aren’t practicing Marxists, then you are the one with the problem. They leave the Torah and worship Marx. That’s the problem.

    Leftists who are Jews are not granted immunity from criticism on the New Right just because they’re jewish. Those days are over.

  3. Granted issues have swung so hard to the left that we can’t even recognize mainstream thought anymore, but c’mon if you are going to run for office don’t torpedo yourself before you even get out of port.

  4. Dig deep and I’ll bet he’s a Soros-funded hack, intentionally tainting the pool. Come on folks; there’s only 4-5 thousand hard core Nazis and KKK members in the whole damn country, but the progressives think Trumpists are actively courting their votes?

  5. He is a friend of JoeDan Intellectual Froglegs.
    He’s not a Soros guy. He is a constitutional conservative.
    I have no idea why he would even post this kind of crap.
    He got blown out the first time he ran. He has no chance this time either.
    Maybe its time we stop allowing people who run for office from keeping the money they raise. Anything left over goes to paying down the debt.

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