Is Regifting A Crime? – IOTW Report

Is Regifting A Crime?

To regift or not to regift? The Southern People’s Court brings their unique brand of justice to this tough issue.

18 Comments on Is Regifting A Crime?

  1. Funny this comes up only because we were given an ‘old’ gift just TODAY, that was in turn given to the person that GAVE us the gift, he received it some 40 plus years ago?

    An octogenarian bachelor type for some context…

    He knows we like birding and nature, so why not? Maybe that’s not re-gifting, like something bought last year, but I think it counts.

    And I CANNOT wait to use them tomorrow…in the light!

  2. WOW! It’s amazing that one of you got a ’63 split window Corvette and want to regift it to me because that will be the only Christmas present that I will receive….except for that F*%^)(*!@# in’ coal that always shows up…..

  3. on Christmas, every other year (or any year that we care to), we have a re-gifting party. everyone brings their gifts they collected & don’t have a need for, puts them in a pile & we all draw tickets from a stocking to see who gets to pick a re-gift

    … & yes, anyone that doesn’t want their eventual re-gift can recycle it for the next time … after too many determined re-giftings it is donated to the re-gifting pile at the local ‘Solid Waste Facility’ … yes, our dump has a giving spirit … hey, recycling y’all

    “I ain’t no Saint, sure as hell ain’t no Saivor. Every other Christmas I was practicing good behavior” ~ Gregg Allman

  4. @Willygoatscruff – have @BFH send me your snail mail address I’ll send ya a Christmas card? I make my own.

    Offer goes for anyone else.

    Maybe we should do a thread for anyone that needs a gift of some type. I bet there are many people that would LOVE a gift of ANY type never mind getting notin’.

    A gift is a sign that you are being thought of by another.

    Think Advent.

  5. I’m in favor of giving gifts if they are genuinely needed, even if we’ve never met. It could be done anonymously, I mean without any one knowing where it’s from. Turns out anonymous carries a negative connotation for some reason. But yes, I like the idea.

  6. I get a lot of gift cards to stores, restaurants I’m not interested in. Maybe a corporate thing. I think they make great re-gifts to people I know who like to go to those stores or restaurants.

  7. Re-gifting to someone who truly needs the item at the time seems fine to me. Just passing some unwanted, useless whatchamacallit onto the next sucker during the obligatory gifting period (Christmas, birthday) is rude.
    If you have a gift you don’t need or want just drop it off at the local Goodwill or other charity location. Eventually someone will find it to be a benefit.

  8. re-gifting?


    I give the low thought, stupid, not needed, I would never purchase for myself, gifts that someone gave me who doesn’t believe in God and Christ to someone else who doesn’t believe in God and Christ.

  9. As long as it’s not a fruitcake, my mom used to make fruitcakes and give them away at Christmas. I used to like fruitcakes a long time ago but after awhile they ended up just lying around uneaten or as door stops. Yes,and underwear and socks and neckties etc. Willysgoatgruff, I personally would also welcome a 63 Corvette Stingray with a spit rear window and a 427 any day or a 1940 Ford hotrod.

  10. Cigars and ammo don’t re-gift well.
    Neither does 12 y/o Scotch.

    I tried sending my elder son (who doesn’t smoke) some cigars thinking he might re-gift em to me, but they got re-gifted elsewhere.
    Best laid plans …

    izlamo delenda est …

  11. @MJA – I am into my only tenth year of doing this. I do find it to be quite the project but it’s almost come to be expected by those that get it. And, I find it an artistic (and autistic btw) challenge of sorts. Keeps the mind busy, working.

    This years theme, as was last years, ‘stained glass’. I do a theme or scene each year that involves the Holy Family and the other side of the ‘card’ is a pic collage of what we did that year. Our own Holy Family, we try.

    This year I am putting an image of King David, for my Jewish (sis-in laws) family and friends that celebrate Chanukah AND as a nod to the lineage of Jesus.

    Everyone gets a card, even the atheists in the family and the Trump haters…

  12. BTW @MJA – schedYULE – very good! Missed it at first…

    GREAT intended pun…Doing the layout for the card on the counter right now and listening to 106.7 CHRISTMAS music.

    BTW American Christmas Music is its OWN music genre, within written and performed music and maybe the most written about subject IN music.

    “it’s the most wonderful time of the year…!” Andy Williams says so.

    Take that ya haters!

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