Is Ryan In Bed With Dems? – IOTW Report

Is Ryan In Bed With Dems?

WASHINGTON (World News Bureau) – Paul Ryan’s announcement that he wants to delay funding for the border wall until next year, as well as a photo anonymously posted to social media this morning…

33 Comments on Is Ryan In Bed With Dems?

  1. Well, he seems to be forcing the President to punt on a number of key issues. I’m not sure we know the whole story yet, but I don’t like it. The Wall, Obamacare… and watch his tax proposal go bust, too.


    Sean Connery isn’t going to be enough eye bleach for THAT image you linked there……. there should have been a trigger warning… heh! Scoooter!

  3. I’ve sensed something ‘scurvy’ about him since he came on the scene. President Trump MUST get rid of this lying, thieving, cheat of an excuse for a human being. Pronto!!!

  4. One really neat thing about our President is that he is silently and constantly working in the background. He has people working for him constantly in the background. He knows what is going on and he’s ahead of these rats.

    They may think they’re running the show, but the curtain hasn’t come down yet.

    Go Trump. We are with you.

  5. You know how, if you’re overtired, your mind starts playing tricks? Like skim-reading, and one word is subbed for another typically found in the phrase because it makes sense?

    I read that as “Is Ryan In Bed With Demons?”

    Is that bad?

  6. Ryan is a prostitute.
    He will spread his ass-cheeks and sell out America to whomever pays.
    Demonrat, Socialist, RINO, National Socialist, Inter-National Socialist, &c.

    I’m certain that if Un sent him a big enough check (and it cleared) and the transaction could be kept hidden, he’d be preaching the NoKo line in the halls of the House.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. I seem to remember that after Trump secured the Republican nomination, Ryan said he would give up the speakership if Trump won the presidency and wanted him to step down. Does anyone else remember that, or am I imagining things?

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