Is Schumer Trying to Take Sanders Out by Agreeing to Hold Acquittal Vote AFTER the Iowa Caucuses? – IOTW Report

Is Schumer Trying to Take Sanders Out by Agreeing to Hold Acquittal Vote AFTER the Iowa Caucuses?

PJM: The Senate just approved a resolution to delay voting on acquitting President Trump until Wednesday—AFTER the Iowa caucuses, which could doom, or at least seriously hamper, efforts by Democratic presidential candidates in the Senate—Klobuchar, Warren, Sanders, and Bennet—who will now be stuck listening to floor speeches on Monday rather than making last-minute pitches to voters in the critical state.

Sen. Roy Blunt (R-Mo.) told NBC political correspondent Leigh Ann Caldwell that the schedule will be as follows: more

11 Comments on Is Schumer Trying to Take Sanders Out by Agreeing to Hold Acquittal Vote AFTER the Iowa Caucuses?

  1. Any delay continues a deceptiCOMs tactics to throw chunks of dirt/crap at a duly elected and much successful President. SToP IT ALL NOW> I’m and I think a lot of Americans are sick of it.

  2. Don’t overthink it. Schumer is playing 2-D Checkers here. Whatever the date of the vote, it’s all about how it affects Trump. If it hurts Bernie, it’s a happy coincidence.

    It’s only when Trump wants Ukraine to investigate corruption that the Dems can see six moves ahead to the Biden trap.

  3. Heh heh.

    Democrats somehow missed the fact that three of their top five candidates for president are Senators who would be required to remain in the Capital during impeachment, making it impossible to campaign in key states before they hold their caucuses and primaries.

    I should have invested in popcorn futures…

  4. Bernie scares the hell out of me. The younger generation seems to idolize him. I attribute this to the media’s constantly pushing the victim narrative and educators no longer teaching but indoctrinating our youth. I’ve talked with many young adults who think socialism is the greatest thing since sliced bread. They all seem to think the only reason socialism hasn’t been a success is that nobody’s done it right yet but they can. Scary stuff.

  5. Everything about this impeachment has been a partisan political effort and strategy aimed at defeating Trump in the upcoming election.

    That should be obvious to everyone by now, but apparently a good number of people seem oblivious to it and even approve of it.

    That’s the state the Leftists have brought to our country since Obama first took office and implemented his policies of irreconcilable division among us.

  6. More jurors voter for the death penalty for Socrates than voted for his conviction.

    I hope President Trump takes the high road on his SOTU address.

    “Democracies” are historically ungrateful and fickle – I know that we’re a Republic, but our “executives,” “assigns,” “agents,” and “representatives” are democratically chosen (for the most part).
    Don’t hatchet the Count before he chickens.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Mitch could end this on Tuesday by having no Republican Senators
    spend their 10 minutes on the floor speaking. Its over we don’t need to hear the grandstanding.
    It would be over and President Trump cleared before the SOTU.
    If he had the guts to do it.

  8. That’s one reason. The other reason is that the DNC/Fake News Media cabal need to brainstorm their next bullshit “bombshell” attack against PDJT. My money is on the crazy bitch who claims Trump raped her ugly ass in the middle of a busy department store in 1989. She claims to have DNA, which I’m sure is getting IDed by some asshole science shill for the democrats.


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