FIRST ON FOX: Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, D-R.I., is being accused of violating ethics rules after backing laws that financially benefited his wife’s environmental organization.
The Democratic senator and climate hawk voted for key laws that provided funding for grants to the environmental non-profit group that works with his wife, Sandra Whitehouse, and pays her through a consulting firm.
The ethics watchdog, the Foundation for Accountability and Civic Trust (FACT), is asking the Senate Select Committee on Ethics Chairman James Lankford, R-Okla., and Vice Chairman Chris Coons, D-Del., to investigate Whitehouse “to determine whether he violated the Senate ethics rules on conflicts of interest.” The group works primarily to draw attention to potential Democratic lawmaker ethics violations. more here
Does a leftist shit where he eats?
A dem pol using his position to enrich family.
Now, where have we seen that happening before?
Violating ethics rules?! Is that the crime he’s accused of?!
Bailiff, slap his wrist…hard this time!
Good grief.
JFK as his dad bought the Presidency for him in 1960, his brother teddy, the drunk who killed Mary Jo Kopechne and got away with it, LBJ just because, slick willie and hellary, obummer and of course joey bidumb, all a bunch of entitled, elite, holier than thou bums in my opinion.
Next Tuesday our family is setting up a government for ourselves in which each of us will hold various offices and some will be NGOs. We’re going to create a body that answers to no one but ourselves. We got the inspiration and model from the U.S. government. We’re going to use the same laws and rules to circumvent any incursions from anyone trying to stop us from doing whatever we want, whenever we want.
There are only a few other organizations that run similar enterprises: Mafia, drug cartels, and human trafficking outfits.
Microscopic piece at the top of the Washington fraud ICEBERG. Trump may need 200 more years to chop it down.
weldon shite-house cheating? ru sue?
ru sure
Sue may have been correct…
I remember him from the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings days.
less than garbage, he is
he tried to float a story about Kavanaugh on a yacht with a young boy
Please don’t focus on him being a Democrat. The Republican establishment is far closer to Democrats than they are to Constitutional conservatives and both have been enabling each other and conspiring against the American people. To believe that this shit wouldn’t have been happening without Republican establishment buy in isn’t logical. It just simply isn’t.
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