“Is She Even Speaking English?” – IOTW Report

“Is She Even Speaking English?”

30 Comments on “Is She Even Speaking English?”

  1. Pelosi and Schiff seem to be desperately trying to accomplish their Communist coup during the distraction of Christmas. Being Constitutionally legal doesn’t concern them. The Democrats just want to get it done “already.” Any way possible! Evil has no restraints. Impeachment has NOT been accomplished yet, but media keeps reporting that it has to make the American public believe the lie. The Democrats want the Presidency now!

    A Plot To Make Pelosi President? Now Adam Schiff Wants To Go After Vice-President Mike Pence…
    December 20, 2019 by IWB
    by Michael Snyder
    “House Intelligence Committee chairman Adam Schiff has declared war on Vice President Mike Pence, barely a week after his panel finished its hearings on the impeachment of President Donald Trump.

    As an impeachment vote loomed Wednesday, Schiff demanded Pence’s office declassify documents that he claims could show the vice president knee-deep in the Ukraine scandal that has brought Trump to the brink.”


  2. tRuth, yep. Don’t transmit Trump articles until Pence is impeached, then send both hoping they both are found guilty and removed. Then Nan get to be President, appoints Hill as VP, then resigns.
    Except time is running out.

  3. Do you listen to her words or watch her hands? Either way, you will never be able to understand her.

    Wait, let me retract that. You will only be able to understand her if your brain is suffering the same malady that her brain is … non-functioning.

  4. @Claudia – she’s signing with her hands and speaking with her mouth. She speaks half a sentence with her voice and finishes it with her hands. So you have to do both.


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