Is She High? – IOTW Report

Is She High?

31 Comments on Is She High?

  1. KamalMao, the “smashed” out of her mind, Prostitutor.

    That loon is on a downward spiral. Hope she crashes in front of the whole world before the November election. Nothing “presidential” about that liquored up interview.

  2. We have all known that person that stares off in space, eyes glazed over like they’re in deep thought, maybe clicking a pen on their teeth, who then looks up like they just had the most tremendous thought in human history and then spews some of the dumbest shit you’ve ever heard…..That right there is the current President and Vice President of the United States of America….

  3. Just remember, a whore will tell you anything you want as long as she, or he, gets paid. And she’s a whore and she’s in it for the money.

    In her case, I’d pay her to just shut up.

  4. “…when you have that kind of microphone in front of you…”

    Uh, Kamala, that wasn’t a microphone in front of you. Yes, it was black. I’ll grant you that. But it was not any sort of microphone, no matter what he told you.

  5. It should be concerning to all of us, except Loco, that they’re running a candidate this weak but yet so confident they will win. There’s a reason for that? Like I’ve said before, they could be running Lassie and they would be confident in the same outcome. They believe they have enough registered illegals to tip the scales. However when the total vote count is 1.5 times the total population of the Unites States things might seem fishy. These assholes have some shit planned for October. The entire Trump family should move into a bunker and the rest of us should not leave our homes without a gun. I don’t anyway, but just sayen. Stock up on popcorn, you will need it.

  6. I cant believe there re enough people stupid enough that we have to be genuinely concerned tht this moron could well be the next POTUS by hook or by crook!
    It took the entire video for her to come to the point of calling Trump racist liar, lying bout the poor blck children of Springfield…

  7. “We know that they are lying, they know that they are lying, they even know that we know they are lying, we also know that they know we know they are lying too, they of course know that we certainly know they know we know they are lying too as well, but they are still lying.” – Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn


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