Is that silk? – IOTW Report

Is that silk?

h/t PHenry.

29 Comments on Is that silk?

  1. @MJA – “…That’s a banker robbing his own train…”

    Or otherwise stated: A politician robbing, fleecing and screwing the his own people.

  2. This wonderful human being should be Vice President of the United States of America.

    Oh God.

    Can you imagine this idiot being one heartbeat away from assuming the presidency from Hillary the drooling imbecile.

    Give yourselves a round of applause, America!

    She’ll never be president and droopy dick never had a shot.

    Now. Let’s get back to work and make sure dopey joe doesn’t get the keys to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

  3. Tim Kaine – Virginia

    (I recognized him right away, but look in the lower right hand corner, TK – VA)

    But @PHenry knows this, he lives there! He is the Revere tipster of Richmond!

    IT looks like a rage antifa would wear!

  4. Question to my IOTW brethren.

    Is a church a building or is it an assembly of like minded individuals of faith?

    If it is a gathering of like minded individuals who have been forced, unconstitutionally, by fiat, to no longer gather, when a governor dictates that social distancing mandates the closure of your church, but ignores such distancing rules in abortion clinics, which were never impeded for even one day, perhaps this needs a rigorous response.

    Perhaps the next church gatherings should be held outside abortion clinics, complying with the government dictated social distancing On the outside, of course.

    A church isn’t a building and faith doesn’t live behind a mask. Tyranny lives behind a mask. It always has.

    Begin your planning, bearing in mind security, because leftist communists would like to take the opportunity to massacre freedom lovers. They always do.

    It’s a war, not of our choosing. It has been forced on us.

  5. @PHenry – a mass can be performed in the open food court galleria / mall, yes I know it’s private property of course, I agree, a church is a ‘typology within architecture’, a place that we generally ‘know’ to be a place to worship…together? In a safe respected manner.

    A place to be together with GOD. But ‘a building’, any building, or house, can take on many uses now, can it not? This is no different, in a way, for early Christians (and Jews) to gather, to ASSEMBLE. To perform their God GIVEN rights.

    I have observed this traveling through Lancaster Pa on an early Sunday morning, many times, seeing the buggies all lined up at a church, farm or simple house.

    Incredibly humbling to see.


  6. @PHenry: A church is ‘built of living stones’ and Jesus Christ is the cornerstone. It is where two or three gather in His name.
    Meanwhile, our governor is offering us the possibility of gathering in our buildings at 50% capacity –providing we also maintain 6 ft distance, no touching, no choir, etc.
    So, yeah, let us gather at the river. Or the abortion clinic.

  7. “Again, I tell you truly that if two of you on the earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by My Father in heaven. For where two or three gather together in My name, there am I with them.”

    ~ Matthew 18:19-20

    … & as long as it’s regularly scheduled it’s tax deductible 🙂

  8. @PHenry- I agree Sir. Please enjoy these:

    When ‘THIS’ Whuflu shit is over, we will meet halfway, in a diner or tavern, and sort this shit out, maybe even pray in the parking lot. There is a place called Gunpowder,MD. 2-1/2 hours for you, 2-1/2 hours for me? Whattayathink? Tell @BFH to send my e-mail.

    If there is no diner or bar in Gunpowder,MD, there IS a Wendy’s or a Dunkin’ Donuts.

    Gen Glover

  9. “Ignoring the fact “you’re not at home”. How long do you suggest we stay home?”, asks Dad in yard playing ball with his daughter.

    “Until We Cure Death !!”, shouts the self righteous neighborhood do-gooder. Wearing his [Self Quarantine 4 Ever] tee shirt & chin mask. .

    Freedom from Death by faith and obedience was accomplished by another fellow a long time ago.

    The Face Mask is replacing the Hammer & Sickle as a symbol of oppression and state control.


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