Is the Adam Schiff Show coming to an end? – IOTW Report

Is the Adam Schiff Show coming to an end?

Patriot Retort—

Uh-oh. The House Intelligence Committee has ended their 14-month investigation into RussiaGate and the traveling Adam Schiff Show might be at an end.

Hey, them’s the breaks in television.

Schiff spent all that time exploiting his position on the Intelligence Committee to make himself a household name.

And will the end of this investigation mean the end of the Adam Schiff Show?

Such a shame. Over two hundred and twenty-five TV appearances down the drain.

Has anybody amassed that much TV time in the last year?

Okay, Stormy Daniels is nipping at Adam’s heels. But the only way she can top him is if CNN makes her their morning weather girl.

Then again, maybe I shouldn’t give them any ideas.

Over at the Washington Examiner yesterday, Pete Kasperowicz mourned the end of the Adam Schiff Show:

“Schiff was outraged at the decision, and made it clear that Democrats would continue to plug away at their collusion theory because Republicans left ‘questions unanswered.’ MORE

16 Comments on Is the Adam Schiff Show coming to an end?

  1. The Schiff show is one thing, how about the McCabe show. Will Sessions grow a pair and fire him before he qualifies for his pension? Sessions just let the statute of limitations run out on Clapper, and now the FBI itself recommends firing McCabe before he gets his pension. Will we ever see Sessions take action or will he be one of Trumps firings?

  2. Brad, just like you, I’m on board with Q, but how much inaction from the DOJ can we take before we say WTF?!?! I’m a patient guy, and I see good signs, but damn I want to see perp walks or ropes over light poles real soon.

  3. joe6pak

    We are on the same page pal. I need to see something happen. I’ve expressed my concern to others here. Right now I’m the vulture on the telephone wire telling my buddy, “Fuck this, I’m going to kill something”.

  4. I recall something spinning around for awhile on the Q board about Schiff, a Santa Barbara hotel, and pizza, and children. Taking that as true, why not, its a slow night and five o’clock somewhere, perhaps Schiff was wagging a dog tail in DC to keep eyes off his nefarious other self.

  5. I didn’t mention John or Tony or Maroni Podesta … I just mentioned ‘Podesta’
    & there have been no ‘Podesta’ arrests, as Q posted last week that there would be by last Sunday.

    Q needs to quit playing Nostradamus, or he/she risks the ridicule that will surely, deservedly come his/her way

  6. Politicians like Schiff help conservative causes by continuing to expose themselves, their complete lunacy and their ultimate goals. The longer they spew their ridiculous line, the worm continues to turn and most thinking people might just finally realize that they lack a true message or specific ideas to resolve the important issues of this country. Those of his ilk are living billboards for the left’s insidious desires.


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