Is the CNN Potato on the chopping block? – IOTW Report

Is the CNN Potato on the chopping block?

PM: CNN’s new CEO Chris Licht is reportedly aiming to reduce the partisan nature of some of the network’s programming and on-air personalities. more

18 Comments on Is the CNN Potato on the chopping block?

  1. “Jeff Zucker has vowed to make some changes to the network.
    Among them is the reduction of partisan programming and on-air personalities.”

    I can respect that. Fox should try doing the same.

  2. SNS: Good point. However, I submit that Mr. Potato Head’s question was part of the plot to push Ol’Joe out to pasture. Maybe he did it a little too well.

    As for “partisan programming,” I don’t think anyone has a problem with commentary shows, although that is not to say that people should remain silent when those commentary shows get things wrong. Nor should people remain silent when those commentary shows all read from the same script using the latest buzzword hot off the DNC fax machine.

    When you watch Fox news, you get news. You do not get commentary masquerading as news. That is not the case with CNN.

  3. I am surprised he’s still there, never watch CNN anyway.

    If I wanted propaganda I would tune into the whitehouse briefings to get it “straight” from a black, lesbian immigrant.


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