Is the Lincoln Project going belly-up? – IOTW Report

Is the Lincoln Project going belly-up?

American Thinker-

The vaunted Lincoln Project, a scandal-scarred PAC full of former Republican political operatives all dedicated to Getting Trump through political dirty tricks, has abandoned its fancy Park City, Utah headquarters.  Nothing left but the dangling wires and dust.

According to the Washington Free Beacon:

Visual evidence obtained by the Washington Free Beacon confirms that the office space is now empty, save for the memories its former inhabitants made along the way and whatever ghastly demons they may have conjured in the process.

The abandoned headquarters, located in suite 310 at 1910 Prospector Avenue in the luxury ski resort town, was featured in a 60 Minutes segment on the Lincoln Project’s largely unsuccessful campaign to defeat incumbent Republicans in the 2020 election.

According to federal election records, the Lincoln Project paid a total of $24,229, including a deposit of $6,923, to rent the office space from B&B Prospector Properties LLC, a Florida-based real estate firm. The group’s final rent payment of $3,461 was recorded in May 2021. more

15 Comments on Is the Lincoln Project going belly-up?

  1. Like any business the question for the owners is can they still generate a profit? Of course there may be litigation costs to consider now, but if they can continue to grift enough $$$ off of idiots to cover their costs then I guess the wise business decision is to continue to make outrageous anti-Trump statements and hold their hands out for money.

  2. “No better than a grifters boiler room operation. Skim money from brain dead idjits then close up shop and move on.”

    Conservatives have been easy meat for such grifters because we’re so desperate for human saviors. Yeah I said it, because I used to buy into it too. No more.

  3. Park City? Pretty swanky. Did the Senators from Utah set them up in their little butt-boy Berchtesgaden? That reminds me…Did Evan McMullin ever pay of his campaign debt?


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