Is the Quaker guy safe? – IOTW Report

Is the Quaker guy safe?

Patriot Retort: Because seeing a smiling black woman on the packaging for pancakes and syrup is triggering, the company that has the iconic image of a Quaker is going to send their iconic image of Aunt Jemimah packing.

I wonder if the Quaker Oats Guy is safe?

Are the Quakers quaking in their shoes at the triggering sight of a Quaker on Quaker Foods products?

Has anyone checked?

Twenty or so years ago Quaker Foods already gave Aunt Jemima a bit of an upgrade.  If you’re old (or oldish like me), you might recall that the original Aunt Jemima looked like a caricature of Mammie from “Gone with the Wind.”  So Quaker replaced her with the current image — stripping her of that “the help does the cooking” kind of look.

And, really? I don’t blame Quaker Foods for doing that back then. The original Aunt Jemima image was more than a little stereotypey. Is that a word?

And that’s the thing.  The current iteration of Aunt Jemima is innocuous.  There’s nothing about her that is fraught with negative stereotypes.  But even she is too “triggering” for the never satisfied brand bullies.  more here

22 Comments on Is the Quaker guy safe?

  1. All of the riots and looting and arson the last several weeks have got me to thinking about a movie that came out in 2008. It’s called ‘Back to Africa’.

  2. Gee, should I be insulted with the Chef Boyardee image? What about the ubiquitous caricature of the Italian chef wearing a toque featured on countless pizza boxes across the country? 2020 sucks.

  3. …he’s Christian, so he can’t go to Friends meetings, is going to have to wear a mask, has to renounce everything the Bible says about homosexuality because, Title IX, and also will be required to make dhimmi tax payments untl the Muslims are ready to behead him, but for now he can stay.

    Gonna have to set him up with a cross he’ll be required to sew on his clothes, too.

    You know, to make him easier to identify, later, for..reasons…

  4. If you have a TV commercial with people in it, at least half of the people, but preferably all of them have to be black, or you get “black listed” by the mob. Same thing with print ads. Now, it seems to be even more messed-up with product labels; if you depict a black person, it’s demeaning and racist, if you depict a white person (even if it’s a cartoon), it’s exclusionary and racist. I’m beginning to see a pattern. Within the next 2 years, ALL product labels will remove any representation of a person. Same with TV commercials, because using any black people in them would be exploitation. Next question: Should a bag of dog food have a black dog or white dog on the package?


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