Is The SDNY Trying to Silence Brian Kolfage His Counsel? – IOTW Report

Is The SDNY Trying to Silence Brian Kolfage His Counsel?

This week, the prosecutor in the SDNY prosecution of Brian Kolfage, Steve Bannon et al wrote a letter to the judge asking the judge to remind the parties of their obligations under “Local Rule 23.1”.

That rule would prohibit Defendants from making public statements that might taint the jury pool.

Is this legitimate prosecutorial conduct, or an unconstitutional attempt to stifle free speech and prevent the defendants from defending themselves in the court of public opinion? Viva Frei and Barnes Law discuss it.

7 Comments on Is The SDNY Trying to Silence Brian Kolfage His Counsel?

  1. What i wrong with the edit function. It does not work.

    I needed to edit my comment. I meant to say ‘they don’t think they should have to obey the laws against looting’

  2. What if we had investigative journalists, backed by large media companies, who reported all of the inconvenient facts which the corrupt SDNY wanted to hide? Wouldn’t that be something? And what if the truth was not considered poison—and exculpatory evidence not hidden—by prosecutors? What a world that would be.


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