Is the U.S. Blood Supply Tainted? – IOTW Report

Is the U.S. Blood Supply Tainted?

The Defender:

Despite reports that COVID-19 vaccines cause blood abnormalities, the American Red Cross and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration continue to brush off concerns that the massive vaccine campaign may have contaminated the country’s blood supply.

After the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA’s) Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) of COVID-19 vaccines, blood clots were some of the earliest adverse events observed, and abnormal coagulation continues to be one of the most frequent and serious problems reported.

As of mid-September, the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) — notorious for capturing only a minuscule proportion of adverse events — had received notification of more than 43,000 blood clotting disorders, including acute-onset problems in young children.

Clotting disorders make the blood clot “too easily,” generating clots that can travel through the bloodstream and increase the risk of heart attacks and strokes, among other potential complications.

Funeral directors and embalmers in the U.S. and U.K. have gone public with shocking descriptions of highly unusual blood clots in up to 85% of the bodies coming under their care — a “massive increase” compared to pre-COVID-19 vaccine times when ordinary-looking clots might be found in 5% to 10% of the deceased.

“In all my years of embalming, we would run across clots from time to time,” said Richard Hirschman, an experienced funeral director in Alabama, “but since May last year [2021], something about the blood has changed. It’s not normal. It’s drastic.”

The rampant clotting and the clots’ disturbing sci-fi appearance — “long fibrous entities that can completely block a vein or artery,” which Hirschman likens to calamari, rubber bands, spaghetti, worms or parasites — are just some of the concerns prompting questions about blood supply safety.

24 Comments on Is the U.S. Blood Supply Tainted?

  1. I’ve stated previously that if a medical company was to market un-vaxxed blood, they could charge a premium and earn a boatload of money! What do you think the chances are that Big Pharma would actively try to prevent a company from doing exactly that?

  2. Holy crap! Didn’t I tell you? The blood supply. BTW… The Red Cross was responsible for Heteros getting HIV because they were too slow to connect the dots to THEIR blood supply being contaminated. As a matter of fact. I saw the interview with the embalmer that said he asked the family members if deceased was vaccinated or not when he came across abnormalities… In one case he said, the guy wasn’t vaccinated but received numerous transfusions!!! So YES.. it’s in the blood. How hard is it to ASK people if they’ve been vaccinated? OR…. do a test on the blood to see if the mRNA patented strain is in your blood. That’s how many people found out they were HIV positive way back when… they could easily do that now. Suggestions :: Use plasma or donate your own blood for any elective surgeries until this is resolved.

  3. “Is the U.S. Blood Supply Tainted?”

    …There is no institution that Democrats regulate or control in some way that HASN’T been, and thanks to fascist private/public partnerships and a lickspittle media, that’s ALL of them.

    Blood banks included.

  4. yeppers.
    it be that way it seems

    Peer-Reviewed Study: 94.23% with Abnormal Blood Samples as in Clotting
    “A recent study analyzed the blood of 1,006 mRNA-vaccinated people. Blood was collected pre and post-vaccination. The study found that 94.23% had abnormal blood samples after vaccination!
    Researchers reported “strange phenomena, “deformations,” and “anomalies” in the blood after dark-field microscopic examination.”

  5. …on the plus side, just imagine the look of frustration on a mosquitoe’s face when she plunges in and sucks harder than Kamala at a Democrat fundraiser and just can’t get anything out…

  6. Heads need to roll at the Red Cross. How could not have known of the risks? What took them so long to consider patient safety? Maybe it’s time to force Red Cross executives to receive blood from fools who took the slab jab.

  7. Well, SNS, thanks. Cleaning up coffee from keyboard and monitor 🙂

    BTW with all the soy latte’s floating around the average Demoncrap event, I reckon heels-up Kamelflow has the same problem.


  8. SNS,
    Kinda funny – but I used to tell Kammy “Put this in your mouth and suck; you might get something out of it!”

    And sure enough, she did!
    Not just protein, but CA AG, the Senate, and the Vice Presidency!

  9. My gal and I will not allow a blood transfusion. Even our own blood taken in advance of a procedure must flow through a device that we don’t trust either.

    If that means adios, then so be it, it’s been a sweet ride. I do not trust MDs & hospitals and believe I have plenty of good reasons.

  10. So your un-vaccinated with the “JAB” you donate pure blood to someone who has had the “JAB”…how long once it goes into their blood stream before your blood is mixed and now not pure any more??? Sounds like a human made horror movie come to life. And Washington is still financing its research like fools. Maybe it will bite the makers in the butt at some point.

  11. Those of us who remember the 80’s, also remember that it took the dumbassed medical community a long time to catch on.
    Keep in mind, the medical community of today, is even more stupid than the medical community of yesteryear.

  12. Knew this long ago. First thing I thought – the blood supply would be harmed when the Covid “vaccine” was discovered to be a poison jab.

    Being non-Covid vaxxed is wonderful. There is gold running through those veins. I’m going to do what I can to protect my “fortune”.

    Trusting God for my health. He will find healthcare professionals for me who know the truth about the Covid death plandemic.

  13. MissInMi OCTOBER 12, 2022 AT 12:57 PM

    “Those of us who remember the 80’s, also remember that it took the dumbassed medical community a long time to catch on.”

    …There’s another reason for that.

    I was on a muni ambulance service then, and I remember we got a lot of confusing, contradictory information from the CDC concering AIDS, how it spread, how dangerous it was from a medic perspective, how common it was, etc., and a lot of it was for political reasons as they mostly tried to make it a common hetrosexual disease and minimized its prevalance in the homosexual community. They tried like hell to scare everyone about it but the hospitals and our medical director simply weren’t biting, but the guidance went from “Burn your ambulance and everyone on it if you transport an AIDS patient to “No big, just use universal precautions” pretty much the same time it became impossible to not link it with buttsex for…some reason.

    We had AIDS patients and basically did Unversal Precautions the whole time with very little modification except for bagging the waste as it was generated, and had no issues because it was pretty plainly being overblown.

    You know who was in charge of the CDC’s AIDS response then? 30-40 years ago?

    …Guy by the name of Anthony S. Fauci

  14. What mickey m said (very top).
    I’ll let you be my agent for blood donations. I’m clean, unJabbed, healthy, and type A+.

  15. Cate,
    I remember those days, late 70s/early 80s. Red Cross wouldn’t admit that the blood supply was contaminated, nor the source of the contamination.

  16. The Red Cross has a monopoly. They won’t be persuaded by any ethical argument.

    Also, we use a micro filter when giving blood infusions. It would be interesting to know the size of the micro clots, graphene particles, bobby-pins and whatever the heck else is in spiked blood.

  17. And then there was the sending out of HIV+ FactorVIII (clotting factor) for the Hemophilia community to inject into themselves. Found out that some of what they sent out was HIV positive and had a meeting.

    “We can recall the product, heat treat it and reissue or keep our mouths shut and deal with the Wrongful Death Suits if they ever find out.” What venue do you think they followed?

    At one point someone at the meeting had an attack of conscious and blew the whistle.

    Worse yet my younger brother (hemophilia) worked for one of these outfits (selling/distributing the product), so it not only killed him, he had to deal with the idea that he killed hundreds with infected product that was unknown to him at the time of issue. You might recall Elton John’s little buddy (lived in Indiana I believe) who got a dose this way.

    Big Pharma and don’t get me started on the jab as that has taken friends and relatives foolish enough to have bought into it… I have more stories than space would allow and SNS has been recommending I tell some of the tales. As there’s family involved I can’t go down that road… (As close as I’ll get SNS)

    Sorry SNS, this is as as close as I get for now and probably for good.


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