Is The ‘White Population Shrinking’? – Not So Fast… – IOTW Report

Is The ‘White Population Shrinking’? – Not So Fast…


National Sentinel:
By Duncan Smith

You may have heard in recent days that the white population in America shrank a bunch between 2010 and 2020, based on the latest census numbers.

If we lived in a country where race and ethnicity wasn’t used as a political weapon and against the majority population, that wouldn’t matter so much.

But we don’t.

The Democratic Party is replete with race hustlers and racial gas lighters.

They are really closet Marxists and they constantly beat the drum of ‘systemic white racism’ because that’s how you tear a multi-ethnic country apart and create your countercultural revolution aimed at sweeping away the last vestiges of our constitutional republic.

Not so fast.

According to an exquisitely researched piece in The Epoch Times by Clyde Prestowitz, an Asia and globalization expert, a veteran U.S. trade negotiator, and presidential adviser, the stats for ‘while decline’ aren’t really as profound as the Census Numbers first suggest.

Can you say ‘politicization?’ more

16 Comments on Is The ‘White Population Shrinking’? – Not So Fast…

  1. When Jimmy Fallon announced that the US white population was shrinking, his audience of stupid, purple-haired, fat ass, mostly white cunts cheered and clapped like the worthless, brainwashed, cult member pieces of shit they are. It was revolting.

  2. What a life I’ve led!
    From an self-reliant inventive American, to an embattled John Galt, to a shrinking demographics loser. What a trip, man!

    After decades of watching parasites prosper in this ocean of corruption, lies and favoritism, I’m ready to coast by deploying the magic word: GIMME !!

  3. Mule – what tore it for me was Gayle King’s reaction when told by Louis Gates Jr that her DNA analysis revealed that she was 30% white: “Take that back!”, shrieked and nearly jumped out of her chair.

  4. The Epoch Times is my go-to source for un-biased news. I pay a subscription for the convenience. Well written news. Not the junky, poor grammar, and misspelled stuff.

  5. Erk! As a White person, I am so offended by DBad’s use of the words “white crackers” that my grandmother rolled over in her grave. How dare you in this race sensitive country that we live in!

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