Is There a Silent Majority Against Sanctuary Laws? – IOTW Report

Is There a Silent Majority Against Sanctuary Laws?

Fox & Hounds: Is there a “silent majority” opposed to the sanctuary state laws that could show itself in the coming elections? Does the rhetoric of elected officials who defend sanctuary laws reflect the attitude of voters especially when the sanctuary debate gets tangled with the crime issue?

President Richard Nixon popularized the term “silent majority” in a political sense nearly 50 years ago when he asked “the great silent majority of my fellow Americans” for support in his conducting of the Vietnam War. The term now stands for large groups of voters who are publicly silent on issues but make their wishes known at the ballot box.

On the surface, polling indicates that the public supports California’s legislated position on immigration. In the March Public Policy Institute of California statewide survey, 55% of likely voters favored California making its own policies to protect the rights of undocumented immigrants. In that same poll, a question about the recent federal crackdown on undocumented workers found 44% of likely voters thought it was a good thing while 49% thought it was a bad thing.

If the question was focused on criminal undocumented workers the results might have been different. MORE

14 Comments on Is There a Silent Majority Against Sanctuary Laws?


    Dem Gov. Kate Brown who tweeted she refused to send National Guard troops to defend the border took large payoff from Soros – so YES – the majority is against the illegal invasion, but our elected officials are taking payoffs from globalist fascists to break the law and ignore the people who they were elected to represent.

    Why hasn’t she been arrested for treason? or sedition?

  2. I’ve noticed the MSM news outlets have been characterizing President Trump’s policies as “anti-immigrant” as opposed to the truth, “anti-illegal immigrant”. Leftys have embraced “the Big Lie” technique, popularized by the nazis.

  3. Dianny

    The usually quite conservatives are pounding the Libs on local FB pages. Aggressively. And not just about immigration. It’s about time. Let’s see if they show up to vote.

  4. @ a non a moose – From now on when a lib says it’s racist to require voter ID – we should ask them if they really think black people are too stupid to know how to get an ID. Turn it around on them and make them realize THEY are being racist. (Even tho that’s just the excuse they use – it’s not about helping black people, it’s about cheating by using non-citizens/illegals to vote).

  5. PS

    I’ll tell you who IS quite in California right now. Everyone of our libtard looney tunes politicians. Including Jerry Moonbeam Brown and Mr La Raza Xavier.

  6. Americans believe in a level playing field and the rule of law. No special carve outs for preferred groups, especially those invading our sovereign nation.

    I don’t know if the democrats realize it yet, and they keep assuaging themselves that there is a huge blue wave coming in November, but they are about to have their asses sewn shut, extracted, and shoved down their largest opening. Which is their mouths.

    Well somebody let the end of that paragraph get away from them. Haha. But you get my point.

  7. Hi everyone, you need to study up on immigration law. Go to the Cornell University law site and look up this section:

    Then go to USCIS’ website and look up the 1952 Walter McCarran Immigration and Nationality Act

    Then read up on Title 8 (Immigration and Nationality)

    This is what you need to study in order to debate a libtard on immigration.


    If you want more information, then go to uscis dot gov and look up the section on immigration laws. Pay attention to title 8 and The Walter-McCarran immigration act of 1952. You need to know that “admissibility” is the key concept to immigration. It is the determination that an “intending immigrant” can be welcomed into our society and obey our laws.

    Sadly the sanctuary cities and virtue signaling politicians have violated both of these articles with their policies.


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