Is there even a single decent Democrat in Congress? – IOTW Report

Is there even a single decent Democrat in Congress?

American Thinker: 

Now we know for sure.  There is not a single decent person among the Democrats in Congress.

Because not one Democrat has had the fortitude to stand up and admit that what they are doing to Judge Brett Kavanaugh is obscene and grossly indecent, we must admit that there is not one of them with the moral sense to know that destroying a man for politics is wrong.  It’s not only wrong, but depraved.  Not one Democrat member of the Senate, not one in the House.  Those on the Judiciary Committee are particularly venal.

Not one among the 95% of the leftist media has come to Kavanaugh’s defense.  Instead, they too are on a mission to ruin his life and keep him off the Supreme Court.  They do not report the many inconsistencies in Christine Blasey Ford’s vague account of her alleged encounter that effectively render it a lie.  NBC never even mentioned Rachel Mitchell’s report because it so seriously undermines Ford’s narrative.  It is doubtful there ever was such an incident.

The very worst aspect of all this is that the Democrats in Congress all surely know that Kavanaugh is innocent of Blasey Ford’s ridiculous accusation.  They know, and they do not care.  Perhaps Kavanaugh’s life has been so exemplary, so successful, that he offends them.  They loathe those of us who live by the traditional values they have long sought to upend.  We are the deplorables who are mocked nightly by comedians who are not at all funny.

The Democratic Party has ignored or protected the many actual abusers of women among their party: Ted Kennedy, Bill Clinton, and Keith Ellison, to name just a few.  Hillary Clinton, the most self-unaware person on the planet, has a lot of nerve speaking out against Kavanaugh.  She was in charge of Bill’s “bimbo eruptions.”

Wouldn’t we all like to know the names of those members of Congress for whom the taxpayers have paid a total of $17M to accusers of harassment and abuse far worse than anything Kavanaugh ever did?  more here


h/t really enraged


22 Comments on Is there even a single decent Democrat in Congress?

  1. What’s their motivation? Is it purely power and control? It’s got to be more then just abortion and 2A rights.
    They kiss their wife on her lips and their children on their forehead at bed time. I mean, really, what’s the motivation to allow this kind of shit to continue and has continued for 50 years?….I think .45-70 said it best…”What the fuck is wrong with these people”….

  2. As Sundance would probably say: Power, Money, New World Order and There are HUNDREDS of TRILLIONS at stake.

    The Evil will never give up. We must defeat them! Totally and eternally!!

  3. It obvious to anyone with half a brain that it pisses them off to no end that President Trump is making America, wealthy, strong and great again!
    A decent Democrat would want lower unemployment.
    A decent Democrat would want a higher GDP.
    A decent Democrat would want a stronger dollar.
    A decent Democrat would want a stronger military.
    A decent Democrat would have voted for lower taxes.
    Not ONE of these democRAT shitbags want anything to do with any of the above!
    They can’t stand the thought of a stronger, better America.
    For the past ten years they’ve answered that question all by themselves!

  4. Without a strong homeland/strong borders, and a total adherence to the rule of Law (due process, innocent until proven guilty, etc.), then a rising economy is just a temporary success.

    What is energizing Conservatives is that our basic principles are at stake in this case, and the Democrats know it. Not one Profile in Courage among them. The fact that they are not allowing the Rule of Law for someone nominated to the highest court in the land is pure irony.

  5. I know I’m swimming against the tide now, but here goes:

    I can’t say about Congress, but yes, there are some decent Democrats. I know (and in some cases, knew) many. If you are honest, you will admit you know some too. If not – well, you need to get out more.

    Just the fact that you disagree with a person’s politics does not necessarily make him evil. I prefer to be considered despicable based on my own behavior, not on who I voted for. It’s not a crime to be wrong politically.

    You judge men by the individual, not by the group.


    (OK, you may fire away when ready.)

  6. Yeah, there probably are … one or two.
    It’s like conservatives in Hollyweird, I guess; they’ve learned to keep their heads down.
    Truman Demonrats? Misguided more than evil and haven’t the courage to speak up.
    At least there were some in the old days.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Vietvet – Yes, but…
    Actions speak far LOUDER than words and by their own actions not ONE of these democRAT dirtbags (in office) wants anything to do with any with what I outlined above. Their own actions speak for themselves. They can’t stand having power and control taken away from them and given to the people. As a result
    decent Democrats are walking away from this ruined party trashed by Communists.

  8. A lot of older dems are blind to the take over of evil in their party. I had decent, prolife, patriotic parents growing up. They saw the light in 1980 with Reagan and never looked back. The ones left over are not listening to today’s demonic leadership

  9. “Every deputy is bound by rigid party discipline. He would not dare let himself be swayed by an opponent. The debate is a fraud. The speeches are made for the record. Since the major decisions are reached in secret committees or in informal negotiations among the controlling groups, even the publicity of the debate is a sham.”
    (Schmitt – paraphrased by Neumann)

    izlamo delenda est …

  10. When I was a very young child, I remember there was a portrait of FDR hanging up on the wall in the living room. I think that was left over from WW2, though, and was more about his being the leader of the Allies in the war than it was about politics. It disappeared sometime in the 1950’s.

    Around the time of Lyndon Johnson’s election I asked my father why he voted Democratic (this was when you could still call them that). He replied, “Well, I’ve always heard that the Democrats were for the working people and the Republicans were for the rich people”. That was the prevailing feeling among the working class at the time and it was one of the reasons my state was a Blue state.

    As I recall, I later managed to convince him that times had changed and the Democrats no longer had his best interests at heart (if they ever did) and after that I believe he voted Republican until he was no longer able to vote.


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