“Is there something wrong with her? She kept laughing” – IOTW Report

“Is there something wrong with her? She kept laughing”

Kamala Harris Laughing. The remix.

17 Comments on “Is there something wrong with her? She kept laughing”

  1. Incompetence in full display. Sleepy Joe and Knee Pads Kamala making America look like a bunch of boobs. Total incompetence in charge of America. Thank you Democrats, Media, and High Tech working in collusion with China/Dominion

  2. It’s a both a defense mechanism and a nervous tick. She actually has a conscience and this is its way of both admitting she’s an evil bitch while at the same time trying to hide the fact.

  3. She has 3 modes: bitch, cackling idiot and blank stare. All are but the last are defense mechanisms that worked in California. The blank stare is who she really is.

  4. And the free sheet people are all good with this.
    This is the plan, burn/loot it all and when people revolt they call in the UN/China to ‘restore’ peace.
    Fasten your seatbelts boys and girls it’s going to get bumpy.

  5. She has gotten every job she ever had because of her qualifications.
    Black/ woman.
    Now she’s the vice president of the united states and next in line to be president!
    Something to laugh about right?


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