Is this Satire? Cuomo and Abrams being considered for Biden AG – IOTW Report

Is this Satire? Cuomo and Abrams being considered for Biden AG

Patriot Retort:

This is the problem with 2020 in a nutshell. It is becoming impossible to differentiate between real news and satire.

And this morning, I saw something that I thought for sure had to be satire. In fact, I actually laughed out loud at how cleverly funny it was.

According to Axios, among those being considered by the Harris Biden Campaign for Attorney General are Grandma Killer Andrew Cuomo and Perennial Sore Loser Stacey Abrams.

Is this a joke?

Is Axios a satire site now?

I mean, Cuomo at least served as New York’s Attorney General. But Stacey Abrams?! more

17 Comments on Is this Satire? Cuomo and Abrams being considered for Biden AG

  1. And Hillary wants to be Secretary of Defense. Get a load of this psycho bitch:

    “In a year marked by plague and protest, Americans are reckoning with long-overdue questions about racial justice, economic inequality, and disparities in health care. The current crisis should also prompt a reckoning about the United States’ national security priorities…”

    Die, bitch, die.

  2. according to Breitbart, weissman is on that list too.
    biden is pre-qualified for the 25th

    I’m telling you- they’re just waiting for the mail to come in
    Though it will be junk mail, that’s what they’ll do

  3. It is not simply that Biden is a corrupt, perverted, demented, old fool. It is that he surrounds himself with the despots, incompetents, socialists, and leftist losers. See Stacey, (the tank) Abrams, Bernie (the communist), Robert Francis O’Rourke (the fake Mexican), and Kamal-Hoe (the whore who is only half-black, but pretends to be more). Expect his cabinet, agency appointments, and court-packing picks to be of the very lowest moral character. Of course, Harris will have him out of office within days of his inauguration.

  4. Stacy Abrams and her Campaign staff still need to explain the +/- 4,000 Alternatively Printed Absentee Ballots found in her Atlanta Campaign Worker rental car.

    It seems her staff member forgot about the questionable Ballots when he turned in his rental car, as he was headed back to NYC.

  5. Himmler and Voroshilov are both dead.
    Beria, too.

    Cuomo and Abrams are probably about the best they can come up with!
    When I hose out the goose pen, it REALLY is tough to try to pick out the best turd.

    izlamo delenda est …


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