Great Pollowitz of National Review Online is upset that people are attacking Bob Bergdahl. Ed Morrissey of Hot Air, and John Nolte of Breitbart, seconded his emotion.
Maybe these bigs have been on a deep sea fishing charter boat, without wifi, the past couple of days? Maybe they missed Bagh Dad’s tweet about working to get all of the detainees in Gitmo released, which includes the mastermind of 9/11.
Maybe they missed the contents of Bob’s youtube account.
This is not a father who is “dressing like the Taliban to get his son home.” This is a man who has seen the enemy, listened to the enemy and kind of likes what he hears.
Fortunately Tammy Bruce saw the tweet and chimed in.
If Bowe Bergdahl returns home and Bob Bergdahl holds a press conference, denounces Islam, rips off his Muslim garb, shaves his beard, announces that this was all a ruse to save his son’s life and that he punked the Taliban, I will eat sh*t. Crow sh*t.
It’s not going to happen.
Not going to happen. Some people pull an empathy muscle at the weirdest times.
Dennis Miller was giving “Bagh Dad and Son” the benefit of the doubt yesterday and wouldn’t listen to callers who tried to inform him of the emerging deserter vs traitor story.
I found it so irritating that I didn’t listen to his show today so I don’t know if he’s had a change of heart or not.
A CIA analyst told Allen West that Bergdahl’s Arabic comment sanctified/consecrated the ground on which he was standing — for Islam.
Then again, that happened about six years ago.
@ bitterclinger
Then it needs to be “deconsecrated” with a truckloads of pigs.
But then Moo does fit the bill.
Captain Ed has always been a disgrace even before he joined HotAir.
That’s just the Minnesotan in him.
Ralph Peters is tearing it up on Fox right now. Ripping on Fox announcers for being sympathetic too. Ripping on Obama.
Dennis Miller’s treatment of Shoebat was the end for me. There’s a huge universe out there, I don’t need to listen to an asshair just because he’s made me laugh once before.
If he comes on the Tee Vee, fine, I’ll sit through it.
But I will not proactively tune him in as ” a fan.”
I have little tolerance for people that can be THAT FAR OFF on what’s going on.
He humiliated Shoebat on air in a manner that suggested that he could get away with it because perhaps Shoebat wasn’t sharp, or that he’s not attuned to American sacasm, or whatever.
So, Bergdahl gets all of Miller’s open-minded sympathy, whereas Shoebat is treated like some internet kook.
Screw Miller.
I think Morrissey’s goal in life is for his epitaph to read,
“He was a fair guy” – the left
I have news for Morrissey, his hopes and dreams are dashed.
The left will always think he’s an asshole, and now most of the right thinks so too.
The squishy middle gets you squished.
It’s a society dominated by people who regard themselves too clever to just state the blatant obvious. Everyone wants to be the layer, psychologist, and investigator they watched on Law and Order.
Here’s the truth about Bagh Dad. He thinks he’s Cat Stevens and as a result he raised a POS. Obama is on the same page with both of them and they are on the same page with those who hate us and our country.
No analysis or psychobabble needed. What’s going on is clear.
Morrissey lost me years ago.
This dad is obviously a Muslim sympathizer/convert.
His son is a convert.
Both are enemies of our country.
Obama should be impeached.
Bergdahl may be a traitor, but he’s no Obama…
@BFH I am slowly tuning out everybody. I still enjoy Rush. I quit Hannity months ago. Dennis Miller is random. I missed the Shoebat interview. He’s had other awkward interviews so I can imagine how badly it went. It’s like he’s not paying attention-which is his new mantra anyway. I’ve even begun to shut off Mark Levin from time to time.
Everything lately makes me tired and sad. Click Pandora and fire up some tunes….
You got me thinking. Benedict Arnold should be very grateful to Barack. He’s on track to knock BA completely off the traitor radar. Centuries from now, our great-great-grand-daughters will be on the playground (maybe at the Spacely Sprocket’s DayCare Sky Platform) saying: “You know, Suzy may be a lying, back-stabbing bitch, but she’s no Obama.” Count on it.
@illustr8r –“Everything lately makes me tired and sad.”
I feel your pain. I worked on three primary campaigns. Two are in a runoff and one lost (came in third).
I’ll still work for the two in runoffs, but they’re local. My heart broke with the candidate that didn’t make it to the runoff, for a Senate seat.
But I won’t give up, and neither should you!
If it was me, I would find the nearest loudspeaker and scream as loud as I could that I have full faith in the Christian God! There is not a devil strong enough for me to submit to their demands! I WILL NOT SUBMIT! PERIOD! I would spend the rest of my life gathering others of my faith and belief to refuse to submit! It would become the focus of my life to defeat the evil so that others would see that strength is power, and submission is slavery! If the fight must come, let it be now so that my children and grandchildren do not have to fight!
and in closing….FUCK ALLAH!
More than the Millers and OReillys and squishes at NRO. People who threw Mark Steyn to the weather wolves. Frequently, my views are not reflected by anyone in the Living Room Right. The ppl who are supposed to be in the ballpark of my views.
As I said last week, I cannot even stand Red Eye on Fox anymore. I’m too laidback to be worked up over anything.
Steyn. Bolton. Daniel Greenfield at Sultan Knish and Frontpage. Kass. Cruz. I can relate to these guys.
Clearly, no one is stepping up to claim Breitbart’s mantle. And because of that, we are being shouted down from our own side. Play it safe and we might just come in 2nd in the next election.
This would be me:
Gateway has the link up to the Ralph Peters interview. Immediately following his watching another Obama State Dept. Flack calling Bergdahl’s abandoned platoon mates liars. Gold I say.
@Brian – Saw that Ralph Peters segment on Megyn’s show. He was awesome. He was outraged and spoke the truth that too many so-called pundits are only dancing around.
Perfect example of ‘gaslighting’ as explained by the brilliant Bill Whittle.
I linked it before I watched it. Fox cut the clip off before he started ragging on them.
Here is the whole thing. Bergdahl should be shot or branded. Fox News cowards thst never served. BagDad’s beard is not a ZZ Top tribute…Obama hates the troops and uses them as pawns. So much truth in one clip.
Sissy soldier boy might want to be looking over his shoulder. He and daddy need to pop back over to Taliban land and live.
More to their liking.
Ralph Peters gives me hope…
@Brian – TU for the link. Ralph Peters was really fired up.