Is This the Last Straw for Raffensperger? – IOTW Report

Is This the Last Straw for Raffensperger?

Evidence Confirms GA SOS Team Illegally Recorded Trump Call, Promoted a Fraudulent Transcript, Sent it to WaPo, Then Trashed the Audio – Now He’s Caught!

14 Comments on Is This the Last Straw for Raffensperger?

  1. “but the ****** deserves to have its ass kicked.”

    And that’s what needs to start happening. Vigilante justice for the people.

    You all know I’m a comedian.

  2. Raffy is a “Bush Republican”. Bush Republicans were not “Charter members” of the UNIPARTY. But Bushs have been UNIPARTY for 70 years.

    When GWB’s girl Lois is jailed for breaking the laws on conservative AND ONLY CONSERVATIVE (the D super pacs she went after were Ronny Dems CONSERATIVE!) super PACS; Raffy will start to worry. Bush and kemp have his back!

  3. My dear friend (the late JC LADY) and our good friend, was a not only a supporter of this ASSHOLE…she worked on his campaign! When she found out the was nothing more than a commie POS turncoat she was devastated to say the least.

    If she were still with us today, I’m sure she would be there in person to testify against that asshole!

  4. I would imagine there are a lot of people out there that would celebrate if he were to be TERMINATED while in custody!
    I know it would give me a reason to have a drink!

  5. ^^^^^ These assholes who think they can manipulate or vote are not afraid of the people they should be afraid of. Us. A message needs to be sent. What would the Mexican Cartels do?
    That only seem fair.

  6. It may be curtains for Riff Raffensperger, but as long as the scheme he put in place remains in effect, Georgia is a blue state. With a pair of the most unlikely, unrepresentative, leftist douchebags as our Senators. And the massive shadow of Tank Abrams spreading across the manicured lawn of the Governor’s mansion in Buckhead.

    As I have said here before, Georgia was a solid Democrat state until the 90’s, and many of our current crop of Republican pols are RINOs who switched party labels back then or have taken the GOP label now as a matter of convenience. Raffensperger is not an anomaly. He’s got lots of company here in Georgia.

    Remember in 2016, when Hillary made desperate, last minute campaign trip to Georgia, and we a were scratching our heads, wondering what that was all about? I think she was hoping that the election fraud machine was further along in its development than it was at the time, and she could steal Georgia. It was not to be, fortunately.

    But the machine was ready in2020, and parts of it were working in 2018. And demographics are turning Georgia more purple each year, so Raffensperger and his Uniparty RINO ilk are doomed anyway. Their replacements will be out and proud black and/or gay Democrats.

    Even pantywaists like white commie Jon Ossoff will be swept out of office. As goes Fulton County, as goes Dekalb County, so goes the whole state of Georgia, brought low by the prosperity which attracted and fed the leeches.


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