Is Trump a McConnell-Rove Establishment Tool? – IOTW Report

Is Trump a McConnell-Rove Establishment Tool?

American Thinker: On January 19, Donald Trump, the loudest Republican claimant to the anti-establishment label, filled out his recent attacks on Ted Cruz in a very telling way, as revealed on Mark Levin’s radio program (click here, select the 1/19/16 podcast, go to the 23 minute mark):

We’ve been contacted by the establishment types.  They all want to know, how do they get involved with the campaign?  They’re giving up on their candidates…and I mean these are real establishment people, that I’ve known when I was a member of the establishment — meaning a giver, a big donor.  But they are contacting us — Corey [Trump’s campaign manager], I think we can say that very honestly, they’re contacting us left and right about joining the campaign, and these are serious establishment types.

Who might these “real,” “serious” establishment types be? 

Perhaps there is a hint in this subsequent comment, a follow-up to his recent pro-establishment assault against Ted Cruz:

So when you talk about temperament, Ted has got a rough temperament, I don’t know.  You know, you can’t call people liars on the Senate floor, when they’re your leader.

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20 Comments on Is Trump a McConnell-Rove Establishment Tool?

  1. I still don’t trust Trump. I think a lot of people who like him have conflated anger with the republican establishment with conservatism on the part of Trump.

    I think Trump is a very charismatic deceiver.

  2. Traitorous RINO dinosaur, Orrin Hatch, says he has come around a bit on supporting Trump.

    Of course, the source is part of Salem Media Networks which is the establishment propaganda arm. But Twitchy has tried their best to prop up Rubio and have castigated both Trump and Cruz during this cycle, so this could be a “tell” that there is some backroom dealing going on between Trump and the GOPe. It will be interesting to see how this plays out..

  3. Regardless how bad Trumps flaws are, he is twice the man as any other candidate running.

    I, for one, am thrilled at the prospect of having a WYSIWYG president.

    I’ll admit Trump has some vetting dirt to be uncovered but it’s not going to shake my confidence in him. If he’s in it, so am I.

  4. I find it interesting that if any other candidate had so many positions on which they had completely reversed 180 degrees they would be dead to conservative supporters. Trump has reversed on so many positions and simply said that he now means what he is saying and that he will do what he says and everyone of his supporters takes him at his word regardless of his background or history. It is a mystery how all these people can put aside the very criteria they use for every other candidate and ignore the history to then claim that Trump is the “only candidate that does what he says” and that Trump is the only one that “can get things done”.

    My biggest question is what happens and who will these supporters blame when Trump pulls the football right out from under their collective feet. And of course he will give his supporters exactly what he promised only it won’t lead to the results they expected because of the deal Trump made to get what Trump wanted. But he didn’t lie and he kept his promise, sort of.

    I have been trolling the polls lately only because I was curious and I find it interesting that Trump isn’t even the candidate doing best against Clinton or Sanders, but yet I read regular posts about he is the only one who will win. Where does this disconnect come from between claims and polls?

    It is also very interesting how Trump and his multi-billion dollar complex dealings with the evil big banks and the globalists draws nary a moments concern from his supporters, but a single digit million dollar loan for Cruz means he is doomed and owned by the banks. How does that math work?

    This whole episode seems to show that where some conservatives are still clinging to their principles others have thrown them to the side with a win at all costs lust.

  5. Ted Cruz may very well be the only candidate who is loyal to God first. He will get my vote tomorrow; got my absentee ballot in the mail today.

    Not turning my back on the Trump option if things are leaning that way on the most important voting day in history. We HAVE TO WIN with one of these two guys — or we will lose EVERYTHING!

  6. I think the logical thing to do is vote principles first and if Trump wins the nomination vote “bulwark” second in the general election. Better to try and get the principled candidate as the nominee and then if that fails vote for the candidate who appear as the best chance for a “bulwark” against the Democrats.

  7. “My biggest question is what happens and who will these supporters blame when Trump pulls the football right out from under their collective feet.”

    You mean, just like the GOPe has done repeatedly?!
    And, just what makes you thnk Cruz might not be any different?!

    His pretzel logic rationalization for his votes on TPP/TPA etc are extremely suspicious…leading to exactly the same “question mark” in my head about him.

  8. you make some very valid points.
    money is fungible. Cruz took loans and admitted their purpose, then was attacked by Trump.
    How many loans has Trump taken out? If taking a loan allows him to spend money on his campaign that he otherwise would have to use for other purposes, isn’t that a campaign loan?
    Has Trump suspended borrowing money since his campaign?
    Well, in a word, NO.
    Also, were Cruz to pull Carson on board he would be in striking distance of Trump with fewer negative voters. As a matter of fact, that move would probably pull Huckabee and Rubio voters bringing him ahead.
    This is not a done deal by a long shot. For a moment it looked like Trump could pull Cruz, but he blew that. Who can he bring on board at this point? Jeb?

  9. You are doing The Donald a great disservice by saying he has gone 180 on the issues. The compass rose has 360 degrees and Trump has been on every point. At the minimum, he has hit 0, 90, 180 and 270! Give the man credit where credit is due…

  10. You finally got the THIRD PARTY you all wanted – right inside the Republican party and you’re all panicking and listening to BULLSHIT.

  11. Crump/Truz 2016!
    Cruz fan here, but believe Trump will be the next prez because he’s MUCH less conservative.
    And thus, more people are wooed.
    Oh, to have a true conservative again….

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