ISIS Celebrates Eid al-Adha with Video of Prisoners Hanging from Meat Hooks – IOTW Report

ISIS Celebrates Eid al-Adha with Video of Prisoners Hanging from Meat Hooks

Breitbart: The Islamic State commemorated the Muslim holiday of Eid al-Adha this week with a video of jumpsuit-clad prisoners hung from meat hooks and slaughtered like cattle.

International Business Times notes the treatment of the Islamic State’s Syrian victims in the video is similar to how sheep and goats are sacrificed during the Eid al-Adha holiday:

13 Comments on ISIS Celebrates Eid al-Adha with Video of Prisoners Hanging from Meat Hooks

  1. Yeah, saw this earlier and just couldn’t look at it.

    There was a big kerfuffle amongst a few peeps on FB last year or so re: vids and images that show this awful stuff, with one person shrieking about how they shouldn’t be shown because they are too upsetting. They *are* upsetting, I agree, but believe they need to be known about and so if people (like me) don’t have the stomach to view them, then we don’t have to. But refusing to inform people because of that is absolutely BS and just helps these fungal beings to fester.

  2. The cult of death, sodomy, rape, bestiality and reverence to a false prophet, murdering pedophile is an epidemic of cancer on society that must be eradicated, not accepted, not tolerated or brought to our shores as “refugees”.

  3. but it’s us “deplorables” who are demonized for wanting to keep them out of our country.

    it’s time for us deplorables to start demonizing those that would bring these musloid murderers into our country.

  4. Read the unedited texts of History.
    This is nothing new. No one called it ‘radical islam’ throughout 1600 years of savagery until our times, the so-called ‘age of information’.

  5. The term Radical Islamic Terrorism pisses me off.
    As if they were all decent people, but like alcoholics, they have a ‘disease’ which exempts them from judgement.
    This is a cancer on the Human Race.
    We either cut it out (radiation therapy comes to mind) or it will kill off the Host.
    I did not climb to the top of the food chain to be toppled by some 5th century savages who wipe their asses with their hands.
    We look out into the Universe and it appears that we are alone. That means we are the first to get to where we can look for other life in this Universe. We can not waste our chance to have a civilized world that has surplus energy to devote to beauty, art, and betterment of the world we live in.
    To let these animals drag us backward is a crime.
    Destroy them completely, sterilize their children.
    They have earned no place in the future of Man

  6. Can you imagine the shouting and hacking going on with Barkles and ValJar today. No matter how much whitewash (pun intended) Barry tries to do with his insane love for muslim ‘non-terrorists’, who don’t exist in this Kenyan’s mind, its real, Hussein. Bite it, Own it, You deserve it! The Terrorists ISIS and Muslims are wearing your dresses. America will rise up and protect ourselves from you and your ilk.

  7. And somewhere you will find a lib curled up in the fetal position in a urine soaked bed, sucking its thumb while muttering, “radical Christianity is just as dangerous as radical islam”.

  8. @bill September 14, 2016 at 8:22 am

    > it’s time for us deplorables to start demonizing those that would bring these musloid murderers into our country.

    Oh yes.

    But, “Let bygones be bygone,” “I was just following orders,” and “Let’s work together for a brighter future” are all still on, right?

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